Ignore this message - I'm just testing to see if I can link a photo from Facebook... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...371127.-2207520000.1400762082.&type=3&theater
Re: Just testing You're all very kind! That was Pongo when he arrived with us in February - age 10 weeks. Now he is a strapping teenager of 23 weeks - much bigger, just as cute (to me anyway). Except possibly when he discovered the local slurry pit a few weeks ago....maybe not so cute then.... Rosie
Re: Just testing No, no, no, that was some other dog in the slurry pit. That cute little face would never get into a slurry pit
Re: Just testing Anyway, for what it's worth I've found another way to post pictures for those of us who don't use Flickr - if you upload a photo to your facebook page and then copy its location you can post it in here for everyone to see.