Hi everyone , This was in my newsfeed on FB this morning https://www.facebook.com/groups/1633448230248202/permalink/1707334689526222/ Just wanted to pass it on. It got me to thinking ... Is there anyway to know about the water quality of lakes , rivers etc in the UK ? Is this something you always consider before letting your dogs go in?
I'm very careful and don't visit some areas when I know the water quality may be affected by weather or pollution. Never heard anything like this though this sounds bad very bad.
The environment agency publishes info , and the epa in Ireland . And for beaches if you google blue flag beaches, you'll get lots of info on water quality for those x
Great,I obviously mostly don't need it but might do soon and thought it might be helpful for others....I guess when you live in a place though you are more knowledgeable of the resources there...stay safe everyone x
Sorry Angela, can't see the post itself as it's a closed group , but I check on local FB pages for areas, general google search etc. I'm lucky in my local area as my trainer posts doggy related items on her FB. Strangely enough I didn't even think to check in the Lakes Often local lakes will have sign posted around if there is concern on the water and local press is also a good source for info.
@Dexter found it on the news page - now off to read it rather than just the headlines. Sounds pretty awful http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/three-dogs-die-after-drinking-from-kent-lake/ar-BBtb3vt