Morning all, Was wondering if anyone had used fish4dogs salmon mousse as a kong filler and if it would be ok to freeze? Jura loves it as a special kong filler with kibble but I've never tried freezing it. Thanks
Yes, it's fine to freeze. But it's very expensive so I fill their Kongs with soaked kibble then top them off with salmon mousse
I've used it in a Kong goodie bone very successful but I haven't frozen it as like you I'm unsure. I've done a search and found a few other sites that recommend freezing so I may give it a try.
Yes.. I pop a few pieces of kibble in the bottom first, then salmon mousse topped with a little low fat cream cheese then freeze, they love them! Sometimes I smear the tiniest bit of peanut butter to plug the kong instead
Excellent, as you say Boogie it's expensive so I was thinking unless I can freeze it not sure I can justify it. Thanks all
It isn't stocked here....when we were in the UK some was gifted to us from a very special Chocolate friend and it is used as the 'plug' at the end of our Kongs very sparingly so we can make it last.The rest of the time,it's his mega,mega,mega reward for calling away from a dog in the dog park!