Lab ambushing us in garden

Discussion in 'Labrador Rescue' started by base28, Feb 17, 2019.

  1. base28

    base28 Registered Users

    Mar 20, 2018
    Hi our lab luna is now nearly 18 months old and with lots of training and extra help is becoming more the pet that we were desperate for. She still has few bad habits but they are becoming less and less but I thought we had got passed this jumping and nipping every time in the garden, when you want to do anything apart from clearing up after her she will just run at you and jump and nip and I am lost as what to do! I have tried various things and can hang washng etc but I can't walk to my shed etc without her doing this, and it hurts! Any ideas welcome
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Sorry to hear about the issues. Are you able to explain what you have tried? What is [are] the trigger? Environmental enrichment? Obedience training? Daily exercise? I think we need more information.
  3. base28

    base28 Registered Users

    Mar 20, 2018
    Ok so anytime I go in garden to do anything such as go to sheds etc luna will come from nowhere and start jumping and pulling etc at clothes and even grabbing your arms, nipping too! We could have been out for long walks prior or even short walks either on paths or woods! We do plenty of scent work in garden as well as she looks for her dinner when weather permits! It seemed like it was getting better but as winter now passing we are trying to go back outside , it seems we back to square one. Nothing stops her unless I make it to kitchen then she stops as she doesn't want to go in. Not sure how to progress.

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