Just curious if anyone has experienced bursitis before and if your dog made a full recovery? My 7 year old lab was just diagnosed with bursitis in his shoulder. my vet thinks it was caused just from him being so large (156 pounds) she is unsure if he will fully recover.
Hi there, Sorry to read this,does he seem very uncomfortable ?To be honest I had to google it as I'd never heard of it...my first search brought it up for humans so it's obviously not just a canine condition. I can't share any experience but reading about it ,sleeping on hard surfaces is mentioned....is that something your dog does? ....I know some dogs have the most lovely comfy beds and yet want to sleep on the floor....mine chooses the tiles over his bed when he's hot. Best wishes x
I have no experience with bursitis in dogs but I suffered from hip bursitis myself. It was very painful, especially at night when laying on the affected side. After several months and some treatment it disappeared. I am not sure if it was time that healed it or if the treatment was effective. I had acupuncture and K-laser treatment.
He is uncomfortable but he is Rimadyl to control pain. He is worse first thing in the morning and when hes getting up off the floor. He limps really bad right now and is just suppose to be resting, no walks, no playing no stairs. Ugh I feel horrible for him.
So sorry your pooch is suffering from this condition. I hope the medication helps! However I am concerned about your dog's weight. 156 lbs? Have you got him on a diet? That seems awfully large for a Lab. Has the vet mentioned concerns about his weight? Any kind of excess weight is hard on joints, so one thing that would help him immensely would be to lose some weight.
He is a bit overweight but ya he is on a diet. He actually is just a really big lab though and even in his young and most fit days he was 140. He is 7 now and cant run like he use to so it caught up to him quickly. We asctualley thought he maybe had Mastiff in him because he was always so large but nope my vet said hes just a BIG lab lol