Got this as a Christmas present, and while it was quite entertaining I ended up feeling disappointed by it. Poorly written I thought - and badly edited. A shame, as Ben Fogle comes across as being such a nice man, and genuinely loves dogs and in particular Labradors. But I thought it was superficial, and a bit of a 'Christmas Book'. Has anyone else read it, and if so what did you think?
I got a copy for Christmas as well, haven't started it yet as I'm still wading through Decembers library books AND trying to finish a cardigan for my mum. Hope it not too bad as I like Ben Fogle too.
I wouldn't say it was bad exactly.. just a bit frothy really. Perfectly pleasant reading. But have your hanky ready for the tear-jerking first chapter!!
I started this book back in November, remember the tear-jerker in the first chapter but haven't got much further. I could put it down to the move, Christmas, New Year but unfortunately would have to say the book just didn't grab me . Currently reading a book by Sarah Whitehead so might try again afterwards
I got it for Christmas too! I haven't read it yet...haven't read the books I bought at ClickerExpo in October yet!
I've come to the conclusion that I should only have e-books and not paper/hard backs - except Pippa's book. I read them cover to cover no problem
Yes, I had it for Christmas too. I tend to agree with Karen: it's a bit 'frothy', a mixture of interesting facts interspersed with personal anecdotes - and that tear-jerking introduction! It's worth reading, but not exactly a labrador encyclopaedia and not what I expected from Ben Fogle.
thought pretty much the same as everyone else but did like some of the photos. just a bit of light reading in the bath really, but its got labradors in it. It made me get some of my old lab books out and read them again. I really like old photos of dogs you can see the changes in shape etc just nosy basically.
I got it for Christmas too, read the first part and as Karen said very sad.. not been back to it since
I'm just getting into the mind set so that I can deal with it. I think you know what i mean and its good to know its not just me. I don't feel so sad just want to do the right thing at the right time. I feel as if I'm constanly hovering. When I see it in writing its easier. I want to be clear headed and make it good for Doug and not be so hung up in the emotion of the moment that he doesn't get what he needs form me.
I haven't read it I'm still reading The Secret History of Kindness, Learning from how dogs learn. I'm on the final chapter. It's really hard going I just don't like her writing style. I've also got 4 other books to get through before I buy anything else. Plus I've only just watched Marley and Me, so I'm really behind the times
Those of us who have been through it understand completely and are here as a shoulder should you need a good cry, or to give advice if you want. Just ask any time.
I thought Marley & Me was rubbish! It was hardly about the dog at all. It probably doesn't help that I can't stand Owen Wilson. Terrible film. Still cried at the end, though, obviously I've never seen Old Yeller....
I didn't watch the film of Marley and Me because I thought the book was so terrible; badly written and mawkishly sentimental..