Labrador Elbow Dysplasia

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by MoriahL92, Mar 7, 2021.

  1. MoriahL92

    MoriahL92 Registered Users

    Mar 7, 2021
    Hello all! New member here and joining to discuss elbow dysplasia surgery. Our 1.5 year old lab just had both his elbows done 3 weeks ago. We have him on restricted exercise and are doing our best to keep him quiet, but very hard to do as I am 8 months pregnant. He still limps when getting up from rest and seems like he’s just sore but did anyone have fluid build up in the joints? Looks and feels like a hard ball on the outside of the elbow. The vet said it’s from over activity and is normal but still worries me we are setting him up for failure.
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Moriah, welcome to the forum!

    Rather than revive a old, dormant thread, I've moved your post into a shiny new thread of its own. You can read more about why we sometimes do that in our Forum Guidelines :)

    I hope your boy is fully recovered soon, and good luck with your new baby!
  3. LAC

    LAC Registered Users

    Mar 17, 2021
    Hi, I'm new.
    My 7 months Lab puppy had surgery for medial FCP on his left elbow. He was limping constantly and not putting all his weight on leg even when sitting. He also had a swelling on the outside of the elbow. We are restricting him by keeping him on a leash constantly even in the house and only walk in the yard for bathroom breaks for the first 2 weeks post surgery. He was still limping and some swelling at 2 weeks recheck. I was expecting less limping but Dr said it was normal and he could have 10-15 minutes walk now. I've been having to use sedation 24/7 (which I hate) just to keep him from playing and jumping. At 3 weeks the limp and swelling is getting worse at the slightest activity. And he's painful with stretching a lot and not putting weight on the leg. I was told that there was minimal joint damage and one large piece that was fractured but had to be broken into small pieces to remove with the arthroscopy. Has anyone experienced this slow recovery? I think I will look into rehab too. I'm just really worried and discouraged with lack of improvement. Any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated thanks.
  4. LAC

    LAC Registered Users

    Mar 17, 2021

    Hi. My lab puppy also has the fluid in the same place since before surgery. He's 5 weeks post surgery and if he gets too much exercise it gets worse. I do warm compresses that help some. The swelling so far has not gone away completely.

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