hmmm...well, he seems a lot worse in the morning, then it gets better. OH and the dog walker managed to get some vids first thing today, so I've sent them to the vet. We'll see....hopefully the vet will call tomorrow after he's seen the videos.
Just catching up on what's happening with Charlie. What a worry for you, hopefully the vet will be able to see what is happening from the videos.
We've now got a string of vids. He starts off in the morning with a marked limp. This wears off within about 5- 10mins of walking, then he will just sort of misstep time to time. If he rests, then he limps again, and it wears off. He only shows the limp at a walk, not a trot. The limp is worse the longer he has been resting. So by the time I walked to the vet, he wouldn't be limping ..... I could drive him - first thing - the few minutes to the vet and have the vet see him as soon as he gets out of the car. Hopefully, the vet will reply today once he has seen the videos. Don't you just HATE waiting for the vet to call?
Hope the vet calls soon. Nothing worse than waiting for a call about our pups. Fingers are crossed for you and Charlie
He called - at last! Well, he thinks what I know....Charlie is a bit stiff for a few minutes in the morning and after resting. So, options discussed - at length. We've decided to try Cartrophen, and I'll video Charlie every day to make an objective assessment of how/if it works - remembering that this is something that could get better on its own though so we'll only know if it doesn't work, not that it does. But that's life... It seems particularly a good time to trial Cartrophen for Charlie because: Charlie is not in a lot of pain, he is stiff and uncomfortable, but for a very limited time; I've long been worried that in the long term Charlie will needs NSAIDs, but he doesn't tolerate them well. As Charlie is not in a lot of pain, but it's something I don't want to not treat, it seems proportionate to try rest and Cartrophen. My vet says he'll give one injection, and if Charlie has no adverse reaction, we can give the next 3 (one a week for 4 weeks), but if Charlie reacts badly then we'll think again.
Oh dear Julie, so sorry to read this fingers crossed for you and handsome Charlie, really hope the Cartrophen helps.
I hope so.... The other thing the vet said was that he didn't want Charlie's exercise reduced too much - he said that we don't want to 'invalid him out', him to lose muscle bulk, and for his fitness to have to be built up again. Charlie has good muscle - probably not compared with a dog without Charlie's history, but he still has good slabs of muscle across his shoulders and down his forelegs, and decent, well defined muscles on his hind legs (which could be better, but are still better - particularly given the circumstances - than those you see on many Labradors). The vet says this level of fitness, with good muscle supporting his joints, and consequently both his tendency and his ability to run and keep active are things we must preserve. So, Charlie has to warm up slowly until the stiffness wears off, and no off lead hoolies - so it's back to the power walking up hills on lead regime. Sigh..... It's at this point I am so, so, so, thankful I have a dog that can walk sensibly on a lead. It was a complete nightmare when he couldn't...
Hope the cartrophen helps with the stiffness and discomfort. Cartrophen is something my orthopaedic surgeon discussed prior to Juno's surgery last March. Luckily we have had very few days of discomfort or lameness (she says touching wood and tempting the fates). Hopefully this is only a blip and you will be able to exercise pretty much the same as normal. Charlie is in great condition and the good muscle tone all helps. You have my sympathies on the lead walking but you know that you and Charlie will cope
Poor Charlie, hope the Cartrophen works for him. But on the plus side, all this power walking up hills must be helping your muscle definition too.....legs of a 20yo coming up!
Need to declare that the power walking up hills is done in the ratio of 3 humans taking it in turns to one dog! I do my bit, but the dog walker and OH are much faster. It is good for me though.
Hope the cartrophen makes a difference. It might take a couple of weeks to see a change if there will be one. Fingers crossed.