Hi all, Over the past week our 6 month old lab he's been doing something strange, (we're booked in at the vets in a weeks time but thought we'd see if anyone has heard or seen similar). When he's dozing or waking up his jaw /teeth have been chattering and it doesn't seem as though its something he's in control of. (I have it on camera if any one wants to see it I can Email it). Any help much appreciated as it has us a little worried. Laura and Andy
This is going to sound really silly but it isn’t a suckling motion is it. My lab did it for months after we got him when he was dreaming as if he was still feeding. He has done it occasionally recently.
Hi thanks for your message. No, It's a definite 'chatter.' It lasts about 3-5 seconds each time he does it. He's already done it about 10 times today.
Hi Good decision to check it via the vets. To offer some reassurance, our pup does this too and has done since around 6 months old, we find he does this either when he’s very excited or more commonly when he’s ‘processing’ a smell... no excitement in this one but he seems to do it after going for a wee, coming in from outside or smelling something new or unfamiliar. Would be interested to hear what your vets suggest. Jess
Vet wasn't concerned. She checked his mouth and teeth and they're both in good nick. We've to go back if he goes off his food/starts excessively drooling or anything else strange. Link to a video of it is below... (Hopefully!)
Glad to hear the vet wasn’t worried. I didn’t manage to watch the video before, Wilson will often ‘sleep eat’ and it looks similar to this
Not to sound alarming but was wondering if it could be a minor seizure episode. The stretched out limbs and chattering reminds me of my dog when he is entering a seizure episode. He has had seizures for 8 years and the first few that he had were minor episodes. Hopefully, this will not progress to that but wanted to share my experience. Best of luck!