I bought labrador puppy a month ago. Now it is two months old. How to find it is original or not. It seems to be not original. Please refer the images and tell me it is original or not?
Hi Reegan. Your puppy is very cute! Unfortunately it is against forum policy to ask for advice on whether your puppy or dog is pure bred or not. I've put the relevant section of the rules below for you to read: "f) Requests for confirmation of pedigree/ID Forum members may not post photographs of their dogs for the purpose of asking other members to confirm that their puppy/dog is a pedigree dog." Your puppy looks to be healthy and gorgeous, so I would not worry about whether s/he is purebred or not. There is a big variety in the way Labradors look. I think that anyone would be happy to have a puppy that was as cute as yours - I know I would be. Just one other piece of advice with a young puppy - make sure you are using an appropriate product to worm your puppy (this will be in the form of tablets that kill intestinal worms). This is important for all puppies and dogs. If you have not already then it is really important to talk with your vet about this. Your vet can advise you on the best product to use and on how often to give it
Thanks for your reply and advice. And sorry I am not aware of this forum policy. Deworming is already done for our puppy. Thanks a lot once again, Happy to see your comments about my puppy.
What kind of food are you feeding him, Reagan? It looks like there might be rice or something similar in his food bowl.
Do you mean you bought your puppy at 4 weeks old? Then he was far too young to leave its mother! Is also against forum policy!!
Yes we are feeding him rice with milk or curd. We are new to this pet and some people here are feeding rice. Is it bad to feed rice? Sorry Anne I am not aware all these stuff about these. Past few days only I am searching about these details.
@Reegan your puppy looks so cute. Four weeks is far too young for a pup to leave it's mum but what's done is done. You can now ensure he has what he needs to grow into a confident, healthy dog. Feeding rice will not give him the nutrients he needs to grow healthily. He really needs a specially formulated and approved puppy food or raw foods which you learn about on here from others who raw feed. Dogs need a good range of proteins and vitamins etc which is not gained from rice and milk/curd. Actually, dogs should not have milk due to lactose intolerance. Please seek advice and change his diet to a more appropriate one. It will be more expensive but worth it.
DebzC is right - it is essential that right now you start feeding your puppy proper food made for puppies. The best thing to get is a dry kibble, like the Royal Canin brand which may be available where you live. There will be instructions on the bag about how much to feed each day. Your puppy will not grow properly and will become sick and malnourished if you keep feeding rice and milk products. I'm sure you care very much about your puppy and don't want that to happen.
I hope your puppy is doing ok and that as advised you are switching his food over to an appropriate puppy food. As has been said, four weeks is far, far too early for any puppy to leave its mother and siblings. Now that he is eight weeks old, you must give Jack the best possible diet to help him grow up strong and healthy.