Labrador stubborn when leaving park

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Henry77, Sep 6, 2019.

  1. Henry77

    Henry77 Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2018
    Long Island, New York
    Minka is 13 months old now and doing well. There is one small issue for which I'm trying to find the right solution.

    I take her outdoors often, almost always off the lead. She's great at sticking by me and with recall. The problem is when we go to the park nearest my house. This is her main play area away from home. We go 3-4 times a week where she walks trails, fetches in the field and the lake, and finds other dogs to run around with.

    The problem is when it comes time to leave. She always prefers to stay and play, even after hours of vigorous exercise. She knows once we start approaching the parking lot that it's time to go home. Until we get close, she will follow in heel and fetch the disc on command. But once we reach a certain spot, she will start to sit and just look at me, basically begging me to turn around and go back to the field and the lake. She will come/heel on command right up until the edge of the parking lot. At that point, no amount of treats or excitement can get her to go all the way to the car, at least most times. She will actively look for distractions so as not to leave. Sometimes she even starts trotting in the other direction, looking back at me to follow her or throw the disc again. I end up having to put her on the leash once we get close, which works fine as a practical solution. I just wish she would be obedient the whole way. Once we get right to the car, she knows to jump in. The problem is really just at the last stretch.

    Any suggestions? I'm hoping this isn't a sign of a more pervasive problem.
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Why don't you try popping back to the car a few times just to get a toy, have a treat etc then go back out into the park?
    Henry77 likes this.
  3. TEE

    TEE Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2019
    Agree, toddler would do the same when leaving play ground. You need as suggested above incl the car in the routine to make it all less predictable for the dog.

    Some have the same issue when they put on the leash in the woods. The fun stops. Hence you need to make it fun the whole way.

    Good luck

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