This morning Lady had something stuck in her paw that was obviously hurting so I checked it out all over and between the pads but couldn't find anything. Then a few minutes later when I was sitting on the sofa drinking a morning cup of coffee Lady suddenly jumped up and chewed her paw then still in trouble with it leaped onto my lap and licked my face before pushing right in against me with her body and her hurting paw. Really touched me deeply. Silly really but suddenly there was a very positive sign of need and me being a safe place to be. Still haven't found anything in her paw though! She seems ok now.
Re: Labs do sometimes pull your heart strings Bless her , these moments are so precious , moments to cherish
Re: Labs do sometimes pull your heart strings Aww! I've only had one of those moments and it was when Willow had been here for maybe ten days. There was a sudden, strange, loud noise outside and she leapt straight onto my lap. She got lots of cuddles for trusting me to be her safe place What a sweetie Lady is!
Re: Labs do sometimes pull your heart strings How lovely. I hope Ladies paw is alright now. Scott bust his dew claw yesterday. It's sticking out at a strange angle. If he catches it he squeals like a little pig then gives either me or scout, who ever is nearest, a dirty look like we did it but he then comes and sits by me and gives me his paw to hold. He's also been very good at letting me bathe it just places it in my hand.
Re: Labs do sometimes pull your heart strings Aw that is sweet. I wonder if she had been walking on gritted/salted roads? We were coming back from a long walk the other day and the road & pavement home had been salted. There were thick patches of salt where the gritters had stopped or turned and very soon Mira started hopping on 3 legs, then a different 3 (walking on 2 wasn't very successful!). Her paws would have been wet and soft from walking and I guess she had some tiny fissures in her pads where the salt was getting in. She was hopping and chewing all her paws when we got back a few minutes later, but was fine after a good paw hosing