Lack of confidence

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Moorlands, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Hello all.

    Not my labs but Finnegan the wolfhound. He's been very poorly, two lots of emergency surgery required and a long stay in vet hospital (he's insured thank heavens). He's home now and progressing well but he's totally lost all his confidence. He was never the bravest boy but since he's been home he won't leave our side, is scared of visitors and odd noises outside.
    He's getting quite 'dangerous', the number of times I have turned round and literally fallen over him :eek: ow; we're going to have to rename him Shadow.

    I'm hoping he'll gradually improve in time, he's only been back home for just over a week, but any suggestions to help him (and us) would be much appreciated.

    It was gastric surgery so herbs are currently off the menu.
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Lack of confidence

    Was just about to suggest herbal remedies when I read your last line ::)
    Oh poor lad , he has had a tough time of it , I wish I had more support to offer or suggestions but I think its just going to be a matter of time for Finnegan . Would a Dap plug in infuser maybe help him ?
  3. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: Lack of confidence

    I'm going to mention trust technique again - its great for all the emotional stuff ;D
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Lack of confidence

    Just another thought here . I lost my little 7 year old JRT in January to a brain tumour , she had been on medication for two years for seizures and was very happy for most of that time . However, when I lost my Lab Tess last summer , JRT Lily was devastated as Tess had been her lifelong companion, she became unhappy and lost confidence . I used the Tellington T Touch massage on her , she loved it and it really did help her a lot, if you Google it , you can read about it :)
  5. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Lack of confidence

    Thanks both.

    We do have a dap diffuser, it helped him when we first got him so it was pretty much first on the list, we've topped it up and plugged it back in. I never thought about TTouch, silly me, I use it on Hebe for her firework problem so I'll certainly give that a go, thanks for the prompt.
    I don't know about Touch Technique so I'll have a look at the site you've suggested.

    Time is probably going to be the best remedy but anything to help is welcome.
  6. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Lack of confidence

    I can't offer solutions I'm afraid, but I hope Finnegan is feeling better soon.
  7. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: Lack of confidence

    Hello all, just a quick update on the hound. Well, he's started being a hooligan again! Picking up Labradors by their back legs (or at least trying, I never thought I'd be pleased to see that particular behaviour again ;D. ). So he's feeling much better and does seem a little less skittish. He gets partially unpicked at the vets tomorrow so we'll see how he's doing after that.
    The TTouch does seem to be helping too, I'm using the ear rub and the round ones down the spine, clouded leopard I think it's called. Not really had time to explore the Touch Techinque yet.

    Thanks for all your kind words and suggestions. :)

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