Laparoscopic spaying - whining and recovery time

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Seadog, Dec 11, 2018.

  1. Seadog

    Seadog Registered Users

    Dec 22, 2017
    Hi Everyone,

    Roxy had a laparoscopic spaying yesterday which went well. However last night she whined for a long time. I also put the inflatable collar on her which she looked quite disgusted with.

    We were worried the whining might be due to pain, but the notes we were given say it's pretty painless and she's being eating well, plus pooing and weeing. So I suspect it may be more to do with the general anaesthetic confusing her a bit. Has anyone else experienced a lot of whining, and if so is it best ignored? Also any after affects from the air they blow in to inflate the organs for the laparoscopy?

    She is more settled today and was happy to go for a short walk on the lead and play hide and seek games with her favourite toy, only whining occasionally.

    How long did you find in practice that your bitch had to be off proper exercise? The vet indicates 5 days as it was laparoscopic. I take her shooting and we are due to do some beating at a small, fun shoot on Hayling Island on Saturday (5 days after her op), but I am inclined to leave her at home. We are due to see the nurse on Thursday and will obviously ask her but it would be good to get some real experiences.

  2. Plum's mum

    Plum's mum Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2017
    East Sussex
    My girl had a lap spay and whined the whole afternoon and evening after she got home. It’s really common that dogs whine after anaesthetic.

    She had a medical vest rather than a cone which she was quite happy in.

    I can’t remember exactly about exercise- I think I took her for her first off-lead walk on day 4 post op but I was careful to not let her charge about and put her back on lead when another dog came near.

    I don’t know what kind of exercise beating involves so I can’t comment but the vet nurse will be able to advise

    By day 7 my girl was at day care so I’m pretty sure I would have walked her as normal on days 5&6.
    Seadog likes this.
  3. Seadog

    Seadog Registered Users

    Dec 22, 2017
    Thanks, Plum's mum. It seems from what you and others say, that whining is very common after GA. My wife has rung the vets and suggested they update their information sheet. They used a long acting opioid injection for pain control so Roxy was basically having a combination of hallucinations and cold turkey! No wonder she was whining! She is much calmer this evening.

    Beating involves quite a lot of exercise over several hours so I most probably won't take her unless the nurse assures me it's perfectly OK. She will be very disappointed as it's by far and away her favourite activity, even beating swimming!
  4. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi there, I've had a dog spayed via laparoscopy and the recovery time is much shorter, but I probably wouldn't take her beating so soon after the op, unless your vet recommends it (and understands what is involved!)

    I can also confirm that whining is common after a GA. I'm glad your dog seems more settled today. :)
    Seadog likes this.
  5. Seadog

    Seadog Registered Users

    Dec 22, 2017
    Thanks, Pippa. She won't be going beating unless the vet thinks she can. In any case I would keep her on a lead so it would just be a glorified walk. This day is very casual with the landowners friends and children and the drives are very short.

    We didn't get much sleep last night as we were so worried about her, unnecessarily so it seems!

  6. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hope she is back to her old self soon :)
    Seadog likes this.
  7. Seadog

    Seadog Registered Users

    Dec 22, 2017
    Thanks, Pippa. Just as a postscript, we had the checkup with the vet today and he would be entirely happy for her to resume full activities immediately, including gundog! I checked he understood what that meant and he was fully au fait with working dogs.

    Nevertheless, I'm not going to risk it and Roxy won't be participating on Saturday. If for nothing else, she's got a large bald patch on her tummy and a smaller one on her front leg. I don't want her scratching herself and looking like a spaniel who only have to look at a bramble bush before covering themselves with blood!
  8. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Great to hear the vet has cleared her for action, but like you i'd rather err on the side of caution for now, just in case :)
    Seadog likes this.

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