I was taken out by a Goldendoodle this morning. We haven't met them for, my gosh, nearly a year. I was wondering if they were ok. Well, now the owner is wondering if I'm ok. The dog is Oban's size and she likes him. She's not very well behaved but today she didn't jump up on me. No, instead she body slammed into me from behind and took my legs right out from under me. I went down on my bum and my back, in the hard packed snow on the snowmobile trail. I didn't hit my head but my neck took a a heck of a jerk and I was dizzy. The owner was upset of course and trying to help me up and that's when I said the title. Sheesh, what a freaky thing to happen. I think the dog got a little extra wild because she was happy to see us. I'm ok but I was glad the OH volunteered to drive me to an appt., just in case.
Ugh, I've seen this happen; one of the brothers from our pups ran into the back of someone's legs and floored her. She's young and very, very fit, but we were still all worried about her. She went down like a sack of spuds. I'm glad my two are a bit more aware, even when they're having the zoomies. I hope you're OK. I bet you're a bit stiff today.
She's young and very, very fit, but we were still all worried about her. She went down like a sack of spuds. I'm glad my two are a bit more aware, even when they're having the zoomies. I am not sure that a young fit female would like being described as "a sack of spuds" I had an 80 year old go down like a sack of spuds on me on Wednesday. In the middle of nowhere she slipped on some mud (of which there was lots). Luckily she was OK, but it does make you think. No dogs or Zoomies were involved in this incident
It is easily done, it happened to me on our lane and I went splat on my face on the gravel. I did not blame to dog or the owner, these things happen! I sometimes see a greyhound who comes thundering up out of the blue, that does scare me so I cling to the nearest tree Hope you had no repercussions? Bit worried about your neck.
Oo-er, hope you're OK! One of the first things we learned about Pongo was NOT to try to dodge when he comes tearing down the hillside at 100 miles an hour.... I went down SO hard when I stepped aside just as he swerved in the same direction... and that was before he was full grown!
Thanks all. I'm ok, not feeling sore this morning. I think I was more surprised than anything that it could happen to me, I'm usually pretty good at watching out for playing dogs. I do know of a couple of freaky takeouts that resulted in serious injury to the person, glad that didn't happen.
Glad your OK @Snowshoe, it could have a lot worse. A few years ago I was walking my friends 46kg dog and Hattie 25kg, they were off lead we were heading down hill, they were behind me, they came charging down the hill it was too late to take avoiding action and boof they both caught the back of my legs took me clean off my feet up into the air, I landed with a loud thud onto my back. Very sore for a week or so x
Actually the second day (my fitness teacher always told us we'd feel it two days later) I did notice bruises, especially when I sat on something hard. Basically ok though, and glad you were too.