Lifestyle question: is this the right time for a dog?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Euan McGarvie, Jun 17, 2018.

  1. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    The harness I saw that was being used on a golden retriever that had had a stroke was like a padded duvet that wrapped all the way around his body, with two handles on the back, one over the shoulders and one over the back. It wasn’t strappy like a regular harness.
  2. Karolina

    Karolina Registered Users

    Mar 28, 2018
    I would echo what everyone else is saying- me and my husband decided to get a puppy a year before we actually did and spent that time researching, reading, watching videos on training, looking and pros and cons of crate etc and when we finally got our Redds we really thought we knew what we were doing... well... training has been going amazing, labs are amazing when it comes to learning new things but Nothing, and i say nothing could have prepared us to loose our social life as much! No more going for a pint on Fridays after work, no more date nights, even watching a whole film on tv was a struggle. Now Redds is nearly 8 months old and its getting much better with all the puppy behaviour but we still dont like leaving him on his own at weekends especially that we both work full time. So one thing i would say- training, what to get, how to prepare you can find out, but be prepared to give up your social life for a bit:) ps we are now on beach holiday with redds and we even took him to pub:D
    Plum's mum and Jojo83 like this.
  3. Nick19

    Nick19 Registered Users

    Oct 12, 2014
    @Boogie’s commemt above sums it up perfectly for me.

    We’re both semi retired and work from home and that’s made life with Pepper much more straight forward than for sum, but it’s been all consuming for the eight weeks he’s now been with us.

    No matter how much you think you’re prepared, it really is hard work but at the same time, so so rewarding.

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