Limping on right hind leg

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Pilatelover, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    So pleased that all is well with Mabel's hips and knees. Try not too worry to much about the fluid on the elbow, it's good that it's been discovered early and we're experts on the restricted exercise regime :D. I know how hard it is though when you think you're home free of elbow problems causing limps and suddenly it comes back and bites you. Remember take each day as it comes and Mabel will soon be zooming around again. Hugs to you and healing licks to Mabel from Juno
  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    This is good,
    Hope you are able to relax a little x
  3. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    MaccieD we have had two shorts walks today, with literally no limps and only one on her back leg. She's just been running like I've never seen her run before. Training is on hold at the moment, walking to heel has deminished yet again. Recall is good that'll do for now. Although very proud she did walk to heel passed a toddler kicking a bright yellow ball. She can't resist a cheesy biscuit.
    Mabel sends massive Labrador licks to Juno and hopes she's happy in her new home. Xx
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    So glad you went ahead and had the further exploration with the specialist....the money spent is worth the peace of mind.Glad Mabel is walking better again now x
  5. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    So glad it wasn't anything serious
  6. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Pilatelover Mabel's doing just fine and personally I wouldn't worry too much about training being on hold and have to admit I've never worried about Juno walking to heel, I've always worked on the longer loose lead approach which worked well with her on restricted exercise. As long as you are able to be out for walks with her, even short restricted exercise walks, you will have the opportunity for some training as you did on walks today. Sounds as if she is full of energy and running today :D.

    Juno is pretty settled, she's been such a good girl while I've been busy with unpacking new furniture, building beds and a 101 other jobs around the house. We went to a local woods again this afternoon so she could have a good run and sniff and she was such a good girl and her recall to both call and whistle was really good. It was lovely to see her running and having fun.

    I try always to remember that every day without a limp is a good day but I always have to be prepared for a limp to occur as it will do, but that's the downside of her ED; but she's happy, relaxed and full of fun and that's enough for me :D
  7. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    MaccieD thank you so much for your kind words, yesterday I decided to go to training class as it's such fun. She was a really good girl and our trainer is a delight. He was so concerned about her and suddenly I had big tears rolling down my face. If we didn't get so much out of the class I'd give up. You are so wise in everything you say. Without a doubt a happy limp free day is such a gift. OH said last night you've hardly got any Christmas pressies what would you like. My reply nothing just a happy dog. Why would I want anything else apart from my wellingtons and woolie hat of course

    While writing this I've taken a call from The Willows, I'm handling the ED brilliantly and not too worry all is good at the moment. Regarding the rear limp not to worry too much as it happens very occasionally but they will do a full investigation. I've cried again, honestly I need to get a grip.
  8. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Pilatelover I'd never claim to be wise, I've just worked my mind-set around with Juno and take each day as it comes, it's the only way I can cope :rolleyes:. Nothing is going to change the fact of her ED and I just want her to have as much fun as possible while managing the ED as well as I can.

    I would have been just the same as you at the training class, it seems the older I get the easier I cry, particularly where my little girl is concerned, and your Christmas present list sounds absolutely perfect to me :D.

    Having a cry after such a positive call from The Willows is totally normal, it's an expression of relief, happiness and a great stress buster - that and giving our girls our hug of course :D and I will confess that your post brought tears to my eyes as well :eek::eek:
  9. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    This morning Mabel had a check up with the orthopaedic specialist. Mixed news. She occasionally still lifts her hind leg but it doesn't seem to cause her any discomfort. Unfortunately her kneecaps dislocate out of the socket. On a plus side it is very mild and at the moment there is no need for surgery. There is no lameness in the back legs at all and they are incredibly strong. X-rays are normal. I've sought a second opinion, so I'm happy with that.
    Unfortunately she is limping on her right front leg, and shifting the weight a bit too much onto the left. She's on medication until 07 March when she has a check up. I'm now preparing myself that she will require further surgery. Remaining positive one day at a time, we can do this.
    Although bit cross with myself she has to go on a bit of a diet, although technically not over weight a tiny bit portly.
  10. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Poor Mabel and poor you crossing fingers that her kneecaps stay stable as they are and don't need surgery. Fingers crossed that the medication helps with the front leg. Does she need to be on restricted exercise again? Hoping not if she is on the medication until March. Preparing mentally for future surgery is good, and also perhaps preparing Mabel for post-op walks. You know the mantra - one day at a time, you will get through if Mabel should need further surgery but she may not need surgery so enjoy every day with her and let tomorrow take care of itself.

    It's so easy to take your eye off the ball and for them to gain an extra pound or two without us noticing :rolleyes:. How much does she weigh now? I need to pop in to the vet with Juno to get her weighed. Last week she looked leaner than usual to me despite all the turkey she had added to her dinner but this week I'm sure she looks heavier. I'm sure Mabel will lose the extra very quickly with a small reduction to her daily allowance and treats.

    Stay feeling positive, and you know where to come to have a rant on a bad day ;)
  11. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Thank you MaccieD she is 27kg. She does had a little coating of fat on her ribs but only a little. It's the treats that are a problem. OH has suggested I cut down her main food. . Funny I do that already. The trouble with clicker training I seem to go through so many treats. I'm going back to Ziwipeak for around the house and some KC silver award training. She has a kg of Hollings air dried sausage to get through as well as a massive Hollings air dried festive bag. I've decided Saturday nights when I have a nice glass of white wine and watch a film. She can have one of the treats out of the bag, that will last until July. The cheaper brands she has been given are going in the bin. They'll probably upset her stomach anyway. Sardines and chicken freshly cooked for high value treats.
  12. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Pilatelover It's always interesting to see the difference in our pups. I keep Juno's weight somewhere between 24.5 and 25 kg but treats are always a problem. Apart from her kibble she gets a chew of some sort at lunchtime which varies in size or could be 3 Fish4dogs fish sticks and then she also has some treats for walks but the greatest number she gets is when we're out and she's off lead and gets rewarded for recall but the value does vary according to what I've stuck in my bumbag :rolleyes:. I think we worry about their weight and figures more than our own :D:D but I'm a little nervous of her weigh-in but I think it's more me worrying than any real weight gain - watch this space though
  13. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Sorry you've had mixed news - some good news though. Wishing you all the best with it, as always.

    Stop feeding the dog. :) I mean, stop giving away food for free in a bowl and use all of that food for training.
  14. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    MaccieD restricted exercise doesn't help either, although 30-40 mins from now on is good news. Fingers crossed Juno hasn't put on any weight.
    JulieT useful wise words as always. Thank you. Thing is I'll be saving myself a fortune by using her kibble.
  15. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Not if it's ziwipeak you won't! :D:D:D

    If you can't stand not to give her food in a bowl just give her 10g, or better still a kong stuffed with a few bits of kibble and something very low cal that doesn't upset her tummy (water is good!). She won't notice anyway, since a Labrador can inhale 50g of kibble a microsecond....
  16. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    good point

    I'm going back to water and frozen kibble in kongs from tomorrow. I used to fill 5 to keep her amused after her first op. She does have a bit of a Kong addiction so she'll be happy.

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