Limping, running, I take it seriously??

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Caryn, May 16, 2016.

  1. Caryn

    Caryn Registered Users

    May 10, 2016
    Bosley was boarded for nine days at a place he loves. Every time I checked up on him, they said he was having a blast, running around with the other dogs. The day I got him home I noticed he had a slight limp and asked them if they knew what happened. I was told they saw him limp, but thought it was his gait. Well, it's been two weeks and every time he gets up from a nap he limps badly, but after a while outside I can see him run full tilt. For this reason I have not taken it too seriously, but I don't think he should be limping at all.
  2. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    Typically they limp after resting with arthritis. Pain meds and modifying exercise may help. Of course you need to Vet to find out IF it is arthritis and Where it is. When JEt was 8 she started limping like that after a bout of play with a newly met dog, I think she got rammed into a tree. Xray showed arthritic changes in her shoulder.
  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Since it's not going away this is something I'd check out with the vet. You should see no limping at all - limping shows there is some pain there. Don't panic though! A strain from hoolying round would be the most likely explanation.
  4. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    If he is still limping after 2 weeks a trip to the vet is definitely required to discover the cause. If he is limping he is in some pain but dogs will often still run and play even when in pain. How old is Bosley? Is the limp on front or rear leg?
  5. Jfrwright

    Jfrwright Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2016
    Definitely worth going to the vet over. The limp may be from arthritis or another degenerative joint disease. Pain might be increased after long spouts lying down causing the limp, and then once the dog's warmed up the limp seems to disappear, but it doesn't mean the underlying problem has gone away. It's important to get these checked out ASAP so you can stop the damage from progressing further.
  6. Riley's mom

    Riley's mom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2016
    Just checking to see how Bosley is doing. My Riley who will be 12 in August, has arthritis and started limping I kept an eye on him and he had days where he appeared fine. He goes to doggy daycare a few days a week so I just thought he was a little stiff and sore especially on his daycare days

    In April he really started favoring hs back leg and the ankle appeared swollen. Took him in for x-rays, he had a bone biopsy based on the results of the x-ray and he was diagnosed with osteosarcoma..cancer.

    He is undergoing treatment and is doing well. if the limping goes on too long or if you see any swelling please have it checked Asap.

    I am hoping Bosley is better and there is nothing serious is going on.

    The vets have said that this type of cancer can be prevelant in some breeds and age can also be a factor.

    Limping for too long....yeah, I would definitely take it seroiusly.
    drjs@5 likes this.
  7. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Welcome to the forum, Riley's Mom. Hope Riley's treatment is fully successful.

    I hope that Bosley has improved. How is he?
  8. Riley's mom

    Riley's mom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2016
    Thank you. So far Riley has been responding well to his treatment. He is still being his silly old self...still going to daycare and enjoying his daily walks.
    drjs@5 likes this.
  9. Jennyandkane

    Jennyandkane Registered Users

    Jul 1, 2016
    Canada BC
    my lab was limping on and off on one front leg for a week. Seemed to be worse when getting up and better once moving around and turns out he has bursitis in his shoulder!
  10. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Hi @Caryn
    As you can gather, loads of reasons for limps.
    Mostly not serious, but for all the more serious/remediable reasons, vets advice is worth it.
    Have you sent your vet yet?
    Jac....mum to Lilly with hip dysplasia.

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