@Sven, for what it's worth I would say the training techniques are very similar, different names for the same game. I didn't sign up for the academy when it was open but I did get the free download of Lease Off, Game On games when it was discussed on here a few months ago and have found it very useful. I really like that there are things you can do throughout the day, like Magic Hands, for a few minutes at the time. I think that most of the +R trainers use the same but different games, for instance what T&L call Funder looks a lot like Ping Pong Recall. ( T&L = Training Academy). I found the OTT delivery very difficult to handle to start with but I've really come round to it now, and as my daughter said it's only their passion shining through! It looks to me that they are genuine and that both, and Tom in particular, would relate to both dog and human well -- a big plus for me
@snowbunny and @selina27 thanks for the info. Yes I figured both looked very similar, and I am also just interested in the content. Only problem is I don't want to fall a sleep during it, but at same time don't need a VOTTT person either. Think I will sign on to SG as that is open now, and then keep an eye out for TA and look at thtlat next. Sounds like a plan to me
Have just watched an Absolute Dogs webinar on loose leash walking "secrets" - It was a bit like a pair evangelist preachers. Good stuff, but nothing that's not on Leash off Game on. BUT at the end there is a video available 21 Day Loose Leash Boost. One's you've bought access to it, it's for ever. Seems to be 21 games and concepts. But it's £97 - & I'm sure it will contain all of the Leash off Game on games amongst the 21. Not convinced to part with £97 at the mo..offer will expire in 1 day. tum-te-tum...what to do..?
If you're not sure, I'd say give it a miss, and work out how you feel once the offer is over. If you feel like you really missed out, grab it next time around. It'll be back, absolutely no doubt. They do like a bit of the hard sell, both AD and SG, and are pretty good at the human psychology in their marketing!
I think I watched the same one (Wicked Walks?) I hung on to the end but felt irritated by the hard sell. I’m not an impulse buyer. On the other hand I suppose I wasn’t the target audience for this -I can imagine if someone has a dog that pulls and runs off they could be willing to cough up the cash there and then. I did like the image of training being like a jigsaw puzzle; that the whole picture of a well-trained dog involves gradual addition of skills/ behaviours in different areas and that the building up of the relationship is the key. Re: ‘magic hand’ -this seems to me to be similar to the advice Pippa gives in Toal Recall (I think) to imagine a hoop on the ground moving along beside you and to give a treat whenever your dog appears in that hoop. I did that when Molly was coming up to a year old and found it very effective. Do you think magic hand is different?
Yes, it's a bit different. It's about developing an upwards focus towards the handler, and also for being able to position them - the dog positions himself under your hand, so you can move him forwards, backwards, and side to side as you wish to get him into your favoured place. It's more powerful than the hoop method for creating the precise position you want.
I have both leash off game on and the loose leash walking boost. I think only half of the leash off game on games are part of the loose leash walking. I'm glad I got it, because it has given us a few other games to play. They aren't all games, I think 3 or 4 of the videos are theory based. None of the games are about actually teaching walking on a lead, or things like stopping and turning if they pull - it is mostly about engagement, management and strategies for distractions. It also means that the games are useful even if your dog doesn't pull, Lucky doesn't pull and they have still been helpful. But, I'm not sure if it was worth 97 pounds... and I am definitely an impulse buyer.
@Joy, @snowbunny That's interesting magic hands being similar to Pippa's hoop method. I was about to start improving heel by following the advice on the main site, now that she's in season again I thought perhaps I'd use a training line. Perhaps the 2 things would complement one another. I'm hovering really about signing up for any more, I'm always resistant to hard sell The difficult thing is that I always think the free videos are tasters really, therefore am I really using these techniques to full advantage? For instance, how to I progress with MH now that between us we are getting the hang of aim and catch?