He is much brighter this morning. I'd say his tail is back to about 50% average Lab tail wag speed - not back to normal yet, but definitely on the up.
He's much better, thank you! I was worried about him yesterday. He is a little quieter than normal, but is eating and drinking well today. Now he hasn't had a poo at all though!
I'm not surprised he is quiet today after the rough time he's had I think it's quite normal that he hasn't had a poo after that bug and he was starved. It's such a worry, I can't stand to see dogs ill Really glad he is a little brighter. Hugs to Charlie xx
Glad Charlie is better, Julie. I hate it when our pups are not well. Fingers crossed that he is 100%.
I'm so sorry to hear about Charlie, that sounds horrid for all of you. I hope he's back to full charge by Christmas and that Betsy doesn't catch it.
Charlie is fine now, thanks. I took him back to the vet on Tuesday, and they decided not to carry on with the antibiotics because it looked like he had just bounced back. They actually said that the shot of antibiotics they gave him on Sunday wouldn't have worked that fast, so either it wasn't a bug at all and was instead something he'd eaten, or he had fought off the bugs himself. They took blood on Sunday, and confirmed it wasn't caused by something toxic, so it remains a bit of a mystery. Betsy is fine, thanks - and thankfully! So looks like a liquid poo free Christmas here.
Ah, poor Charlie, and poor you. Cleaning up liquid poo is never fun. Luckily, I've never had to do it from carpet. Willow had a similar thing a couple of days ago, and I had to try to pick it up from my sister's fake lawn. That was fun. I suppose we all get funny tummies now and again with no obvious reason.
Oh drat it! Now Betsy has an attack of the liquid poos! Not as bad as Charlie, we made it to the garden at 4am very thankfully. Is this the same bug? Or the same thing that Charlie ate? She walked with him yesterday which is unusual. I did see there were some mushroom things around (I think they were just normal field mushrooms but my mushroom identification skills aren't the best) that I had to call them both away from but I don't think they ate any, just grabbed at them. Sigh. Just wondering whether to give it half a day or take her on to the vet's now. Only, the thing the vet did that helped was give Charlie an injection to stop vomiting, and she's not vomiting. Yet, anyway. Perhaps better safe than sorry and I'll pop her along....
Oh,my Julie!! Poor you and poor Betsy! Must be a bug. Nothing worse than liquid poo.....well, there are worse things, of course. But not when you have to handle liquid poo. Good luck!
Thanks! Sigh. Drat. I wanted to train today, now just got to spend the afternoon traipsing to the vet and washing the yard with Dettol! Grrr.... No, it's not the end of the world of course. But annoying!
Yes, it seems mostly likely doesn't it? Well, I have an appointment tomorrow, there wasn't one for today - and they said anyway that they would just tell me to see how she goes for a bit. I know the emergency service is great if I feel I need to take her along later at least.