We have a new lab female puppy, and already have an intact adult male. For those of you who have both as house dogs, what are your routines for keeping them apart during seasons? She is 5 months old now, so want to be organized - thanks
Well, I found the only way to do it is to keep them apart... really apart as in a different house. I know some people seem to be able to manage perfectly well by a system of baby gates and crates, but absolutely not here. We did have a crossover couple of days where we popped Benson into daycare, but within minutes of being home he became very distressed. Luckily a dear friend @Naya stepped in to help out
We have two houses and aren't afraid to use them Squidge has just had her first season and, due to unfortunate circumstances, I opted to give my boy the Suprelorin implant. I wouldn't do that long-term, though. Are you planning on keeping your bitch entire indefinitely? I think if you don't have the option of physically separating them which, depending on the sex drive of both of them, may mean different properties, then spaying your bitch is probably the safest option down the line.