I've seen the use of long lines mentioned and I wondered if someone could give me a brief overview as to their use? Are they used just for working on recall, or do they have other applications too? For a puppy with a solid recall, would it still be useful to do longline work now in anticipation of difficulties later on? Can anyone recommend any resources for their correct use? Thanks! I should add that there's a fabulous area nearby that would be perfect for on-lead training, since it is a requirement all dogs are on a lead there and consequently hardly anyone goes there!! I was intending to go there to work on proofing Willow's sit/stay and sit at a distance in a foreign environment with lots of lovely smells. I assume the long-line could be used for that, too, if only to say "my dog is on a lead". I'm not sure it would be of any practical use in the sit/stay training?
Re: Long lines They can be a great tool! This thread might be useful to you: http://www.thelabradorforum.com/index.php?topic=7376.0 Pippa has a section on long lines in Total Recall as well. Great for recall training for sure and for giving you extra security on a walk if recall is shaky (sure helps me!) I'm sure others will give their tips too, but it has really helped me and Simba have nice walks together....
Re: Long lines My experience is limited, I used long lines for a while after Charlie's op before he was free to be completely off lead. I found that I could use them like a lead - eg like your dog is just on a very long lead. That's fine, it is what it is though, and doesn't train much if your dog acts differently when it is not wearing the line. Indeed, I found an extendable lead easier for this purpose as the spare line wraps itself up neatly. (A dog needs to be sensible walking on lead before you use an extendable one). Or, you could use them as part of a long term strategy with the dog wearing a harness and line all the time so it "forgets" that it is wearing it. In which case, the training opportunities are much wider. I only use them on beaches and open fields. Anywhere else I get into a terrible muddle with them getting caught up.
Re: Long lines Rolo who is a serial chewer (I'm sure he would also be a cereal chewer given half the chance. Lol) loves to chew his lead before we head out and just before we get home. With the long line he chews it all the time, it ends up between his legs, he drags it through other dogs poop and to be honest is just a major stress! So although I carry it with me when we are doing recall training I never use it. Kris
Re: Long lines My experince of one is to use it to trail behind Dexter when we do a certain desert walk...it's a bit of an animal graveyard with a lot of sun baked bones to be found .....he was getting too keen at playing keep away so I started to use it to literally catch him if he played up ......Practising the clicker retreive during summer lockdown has helped me in this I think.....he now brings the bone back to me 9 times out of 10....I still keep it on him for security when we are alone and in that area through.walking with friends and their dogs or in a wooded or lake area it would be dangerous x
Re: Long lines I found my long line invaluable when we first had our rescue girl Millie , she had no training whatsoever . I liked the fact that she could have a good degree of freedom whilst I retained control , until I was sure of her recall and let her off completely .