I'm having issues with Widge, he will sometimes, in times of excitement ignore me and do his own thing!! 8) Very un-lab like I know!!!! After talking to the gundog trainer I got him from about the items to brush up on before next season I realised how little he looks at me. I may be barking (oops) up the wrong tree here but watching other dogs they are constantly flicking there gaze at there owners. I watched widge on a walk and he is almost in his own world. I think this may be the route of my issues. I had a weekend of REALLY focusing on him and was really quick to correct him and each time he looked up I gave him a treat or praise. I got my OH to video us and he was flicking his gaze every few steps. This morn he was again 'elsewhere' even though I was stopping, calling his name etc. and his behaviour had tailed off again. I don't want to spend too often looking at his face as I THINK this could be a sign that I'm cross with him? What's the best way to keep his attention? I have also sat at home with treats in my closed hand away from my body and giving them only when he looks at my face as I say 'look'
Re: LOOK AT ME!!! When we first let Holly off lead, somewhere around 15 weeks old, we played a game with her. Walking along in the woods or garden we would suddenly change direction, then reward her when she came to us. We expanded this game into hide and seek - if she walked ahead in the woods we would hide behind a tree, or turn around, and she would run back to get a reward. She's now in the habit of turning around to check on us very regularly, typically two or three times a minute. It took a little while to develop this behaviour but its well proofed now. At over two years old, she never strays too far without turning around to check where we are. If we're out of sight she will run back to find us and sit for her reward. Maybe something like this will work with Widge?
Re: LOOK AT ME!!! Thanks. I did try a similar thing, each time he runs past me i turn and walk the otherway. I also used to hide a lot. He's generally un-fussed!! He runs back, stops dead as he passes me and licks my face or leg. Great nose when flushing or picking game but not so much when playing this game! I think it will be good to hone it by making him run back and treating, might make the difference. Thanks for the idea Not easy this training malarkey!!
Re: LOOK AT ME!!! So training a look at me command helped us to some extent but what really worked out and about was to reward every unasked for look. Do you use a clicker at all? It's a really good way to capture the tiniest flicker of an ear let alone a look. You click and throw a treat out. It seems to build naturally so if the dog gets rewarded for an ear flick it tries a full on look. Once you're getting that repeatedly get the dog to come to you for some of the rewards. This then turns into "checking in" where the dog will come back to see if you've got anything tasty. Don't make the mistake I did and go out with insufficient treats(make sure it's the good stuff too!). You need to reward, reward, reward and build that habit ;D
Re: LOOK AT ME!!! Ok Barbara, thanks. So you were clicking to mark the event and throwing the treat near the dog? Is that on or off lead or both? Is there any reason to not have him come back to me for the treat? Thanks Graham
Re: LOOK AT ME!!! I did that off lead and the reason I threw the treat is I didn't want the dog to have to come back to me at first. I wanted to reward even the slightest recognition of me. Then, later, the dog came back for the treat and that morphs into checking in and you reward the dog for actually coming back. None of this is asked for behaviour it's all offered by the dog voluntarily so it may need tiny steps to nurture it into the full blown check in.
Re: LOOK AT ME!!! Totally agree with Barbara, that's the way to go. I think "look at me" is a near useless cue for a normal dog (I know some people use it very successfully to head off unwanted behaviour, or as a management strategy though). I don't throw the treat - he can come for his treat, or reward by carry on sniffing, his choice. So long as he checks in...