Hi there, Henry is 5 months old and this morning I could hear him crunching on something i opened up his mouth and a large crumbled piece of tooth came out into my hand! Is this normal for teeth to come out? I can't see the space it has come out of? Is this his baby teeth coming out or has he broken his tooth chewing something? This morning he has only had Kibble and not been outside yet so no chance of picking up any stones etc? Thanks
Yes, he is losing his baby teeth. Don't worry, you don't need to do anything - his big new white shiny teeth will start coming in very soon. Your baby is growing up!
Many of us give teething toys. I used two of those white rope bones you may have seen. Soaked them in water, squeezed out a bit, froze and gave in rotation to sooth tender gums. OH my gosh, the blood. Those bones turned RED. Washcloths will do. Supervise in case bits get ripped off and swallowed. And, sometimes their breath reeks like rotten dead meat, it's awful. Jet's smelled terrible, with Oban I didn't notice stinky breath.
I spent around a week picking up Juno's baby teeth from the kitchen and living room or had her spitting them out into my hand. I was lucky and we had no problems or fuss with the teething. Henry is definitely growing up
I think Saya started around 14 week I got a picture of her biting Bella and if I zoom at her face there's some teeth missing. Saya was extra bitey during teething too the frozen wash cloths helped. She also thought wood was a good teething toy luckily she stopped that after a bit of training.. Nicole, 5year old Bella(Boxer), and 4year old Saya
Buffy started losing hers at 4 months and was done by 5 months- they all came out quite quickly. We only ever found one tooth but the gaps are quite obvious and sometimes there was blood on her chew toys. Frozen kongs go down very well with teething puppies. I don't miss those needle sharp puppy teeth!
Otis is 5 months and we're going through the same thing! First I usually see a teeny bit of blood on a toy, and then within minutes he's spit a tooth onto my floor!