Hi all Bella is now minus a dew claw, I noticed this morning. I asked the vet to check them as I thought they were a bit long a few weeks ago when she went for her spay, but he said not really and best to just walk her on pavements... Anyway, it looked like it was sticking out a bit yesterday then she must have caught it on her walk. as it's come out now poor thing it's not bleeding and she lets me touch it so is not bothered by it. There is still a stumpy bit right at the bottom if I feel it, so will it just grow back?
Yes it will just grow back you don't need to worry about it. If it looks dry and she isn't bothering about it just leave it. You could bathe with salt and water if it looks a bit raw and gets dirty. The salt and water will clean and help dry it up.
Willow lost a claw (not a dew claw, just a regular one) and wasn't bothered by it at all for a short while, but the next day it was causing her a lot of pain and bled for quite a long time afterwards when on walks. I tried to wrap it, put a sock on it etc, but it seemed to cause her more pain, so I resorted to leaving it open and making sure it was clean after every walk. She did a good job of this herself, which is just as well because the salt water hurt her when I had to do it. I filled a mug with it and dunked her foot in and gave it a little swirl. It still hasn't grown back yet, but the quick has dried up and it's not causing her any discomfort at all now.
My lad had to have a badly smashed claw removed not long ago , I was advised to leave it open to the air, but like Fiona ( above ) I made sure it was kept clean by dunking his whole foot into a dish of salt water . He now has a lovely new nail , for now