I am so very sorry to read about your beloved Fletcher, unfortunately these things happen. I feel a enema would not have helped at all. I might have expected the vets to do an exploratory laparotomy earlier but it does look as if nothing could really have been done to alter the tragic outcome.
Nessa, So sorry to read this. It sounds like you did everything you could. I'm sure Fletcher knew how much he was loved. You made the best decision for him. Thinking of you
I am so very very sorry to read this, Fletcher sounds like he was a lovely puppy and it's tragic when they are lost so young. No wonder you are bewildered and want answers, I hope your vet can explain things to you as much as is possible. I'd make a list of all the questions you can think of and take it along to the meeting as you are obviously (and I would be too) so emotional, that it will be difficult for you to remember your questions once in the meeting. You made the right decision to not let your beloved Fletcher suffer, at a most difficult time you loved him so much that you could let him go, with dignity and pain free. Although hard for you and your young family to comprehend at this time, you did the kindest thing in the circumstances you were faced with. My heart goes out to you all. Xxx
So sorry for your tragic loss, such a shock in one so young. I hope you can speak to the vet and he can answer some of your questions. Thinking of you. x
Im so sorry to ready this. I know the shock you feel as 8 months ago my 2 year old fit and healthy golden boy died suddenly whilst out on a walk and we will never know why. I know at the moment you probably feel like you will never understand or get over it, but over time you will come to terms with it. My husband and I still cry over Murphy regularly and I think about him every day. But I no longer feel the anger and frustration and hopelessness that I felt at the time. Just sadness. The time we had with Fletcher and Murphy was short but we know we gave them the best possible life and so so much love. It is so so bloody unfair when this happens to such young dogs and when they are so fit and healthy as well. Thinking of you x
I just want to say how terribly sorry I am for your dreadful and sudden loss. I hope speaking to your vet can help you in in some small way. xx
Oh I really feel for you. Give yourself chance, you must be in shock. I hope your vet gives you some answers and you can grieve in time. You did the right thing letting him go. I have no words that will help but just to let you know we all feel for you
I am so very sorry for your loss. We had a 2 year old that bloated, a bit different I think, and went under the knife, only to have two more bloats within the next 18 months, last one , vet said her heart could not take it. I wish I had more to say. I do know that love never dies, and that they will be always with us. Jon
I'm desperately sorry to read about your lovely Fletcher Such a difficult time for you and your family. I hope you get some answers from your vet and you have some closure. You did everything you could for your boy. Life is so very cruel sometimes. Please take care. Helen xxx
Ah, nessa, I'm so sorry to hear about this. Nothing can make it better but here are some big hugs. You did everything you could; sometimes fate is just plain cruel. Sleep sweetly and run free Fletcher.