Louis training log - puppyhood

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by andreasjuuls, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. andreasjuuls

    andreasjuuls Registered Users

    Dec 3, 2014
    Intro to Louis

    Louis is a 9,5 weeks old chocolate male puppy. Some pictures:



    We live alone in a 120 m2 apartment with another 140m2 terass so he has decent space, although a house would be better. Good thing is that there are a couple of decent parks outside the condomunium.

    There are 6 buildings in the condominium and its gated so in theory it would be less parvo exposed but I am still quite concerned about it which of course has implications for especially socialization and potty training approach

    Training plan

    This is what I had in mind for the first weeks

    First 72 hours
    It has been amazing 72 hours. I would not say it has been easy or that things have gone according to plan but I had thought it would be much more troublesome. It is a bit tiring with the new experience and adapt to another one in the home. Louis is probably adapting better than me although we are having a fantastic time both of us.

    Having him come to me on his own when I sit on the floor and seeing that he lays down with his head on my lab, playing with him, training with him, seeing him investigate, seeing him be happy is sooooo fantastic.

    I know most people adore puppies and I do too but also looking forward to when he is older and we can start doing real stuff together like swimming, going to the park, run, go to the trails etc etc

    What have gone well

    -- sitting: he sits for food and toys on the command sit, but not sure that he does it because of my command or if he has figured out that this is what he is supposed to do. In any case, it feels right and he does it. Seems like it works in most locations and most positions I am in.

    -- down: he lays down for food by hand signal but only if I put my hand palm down on the ground in front of him. That is the only way he will do it. If I stand up straight and shows palm down he looks at me for a few seconds and then looses attention. I give him the down command just as he starts going down, then click and treat when he has elbows on the floor. Also, if there are many distractions around him it doesnt work. I suppose it is a good start although the sit is going much better.

    -- leave it: started practicing that with treats today and he responded well. Not learned that behaviour at all though but early stage is okay I think

    -- socialization: big thing was airports and flight which he did very well. He has also been in the car which went well. He loves meeting people at starbucks, the pizza place, the condo garden etc. He struggles a bit with the elevator but we are taking it in very small steps. Today we spent a lot of time walking around the elevator entrance and going in and out the eleevator without actually using it. Seems like its helping although we are not there yet. This morning I took him to my workout room (bike and other stuff). First 10 seconds he did not like it but I just let him move around on his own and before I knew it he was laying under my bike -- I wanted to get a bike workout in so was on it as well. Did not pedal of course and eventually he moved and he let me do the workout. He started laying 1 meter from the bike but it made me nervous so I moved him to another room and with doors open he went to sleep and I was able to get 40 mins of training in.

    -- good balance between autonomy and 'addiction' to me: He seems like a couragous and autonomous puppy, at least to some extent. He doesnt mind being in another room than me (I do :D) and when he sleeps he could care less where I am and what I am doing. It might make the recall, attention etc. a bit challenging but let us see how it develops when his attention span increases

    -- recall: We are still at step one of Pipas guide but so far going well. Despite the autonomy if he sees me moving away, he comes after me.

    -- night time: he hasnt cried for more than a few seconds at night. Also, he tried to jump up onto my bed last night but in both crying and wanting to get into the bed, I just ignore him and a few seconds later he settles in and sleeps. Usually we are in bed at 10 pm, then up for potty 0:30 and 3:30 am and up to start the day 5:30. I expect that in a few weeks we can be to bed at 10, up at 1:30 am for potty and then wake up 5-5:30 am

    -- House training: This is actually a bit mixed. He never poops inside and rarely pees inside, it happens on the terass. However, locations are completely random. I thought about bringing him down in a closed garden of the condo but I am too concerned about parvo. I would rather clean up on any location on the terass next 3 weeks until last vaccine and then retrain outside.

    -- biting me: he likes to playbite but pretty soft. A few times I have felt it (never left any markings what so ever though) and I have yelped and he stopped and became softer.

    -- calm: he is pretty calm. Only when I initaite playing he will go balistic and if I calm down, he calms down too

    -- not going crazy over food: he likes food but he can be pretty calm in front of it, especially as he is now learning that no sitting means no food.


    Would of course appreciate any help on the below challenges

    -- Attention and focus: It seems like he is paying attention when he wants rather when I want. Even with premium treats he gets distracted and I struggle getting him to refocus. I jumped pretty quickly into the sit practice, maybe I should have started with 'look at me' or 'louis' to get his attention. Started on that this morning and it helps but is difficult and the memory of what look at me or louis means seemed to last 20 minutes. It is of course especially bad in high distraction rooms but even in low distraction environment we struggle with focusing. Maybe I am expecting too much of a 9,5 week old puppy?

    -- biting and chewing stuff: this is my biggest concern as it seems to become worse and worse the more at home he feels. He bites almost everything for a few seconds. Seems like he is investigating. At least I have removed all dangerous items so he cannot hurt himself but would love for him not to bite everything. Since he does not react to his name or 'look at me' its impossible to distract him unless I show him a toy or food but that is not long term sustainable. Maybe I am doing something very wrong here?

    -- House training: As per above it would be cool if he could do that in a specific location on the terass but have decided to focus my energy on other stuff as long as he is going outside the apartment to do it -- but not sure if I am doing myself a bad favour and setting the bar too low?

    -- Separation: seems like when he is tired and when it is on his terms, separation is okay but this morning I placed him in a confined, puppy secure room and he did not like it at all. Opened the door only after he had stopped crying but it took a good 45 seconds. Usually in other situations he cries only 2-3 seconds. I think I went to fast so now we have started to play, eat and sleep in the room with doors open. Later tonight will try to leave him alone in there with doors closed and toys when he is really tired.
  2. WillowAndLottie

    WillowAndLottie Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2014
    Re: Louis training log - puppyhood

    I'm guessing you mean 9.5 weeks?!

    Sounds like you're doing amazingly!

    Attention and focus: Try and teach eye contact "Look at me" or "look" when he's sitting, and as soon as his eyes meet yours, click and treat. If he won't look, wave a treat or the noisy treat tub around your face! Then when he's good at that, remove treats or put your hands out. Just practice and he'll get it. Most dogs learn that if you say their name something interesting will happen.

    -- biting and chewing stuff: This is just puppy phase. I was lucky enough not to have crocolabs but I'm sure others will help out here!

    -- House training: I've never worked out how to get them to go in one area, sorry!

    -- Separation: Build it up slowly :)

    Good luck , he's a cutie!
  3. andreasjuuls

    andreasjuuls Registered Users

    Dec 3, 2014
    Re: Louis training log - puppyhood

    [quote author=WillowAndLottie link=topic=9489.msg136797#msg136797 date=1421175018]
    I'm guessing you mean 9.5 weeks?!

    Sounds like you're doing amazingly!

    Attention and focus: Try and teach eye contact "Look at me" or "look" when he's sitting, and as soon as his eyes meet yours, click and treat. If he won't look, wave a treat or the noisy treat tub around your face! Then when he's good at that, remove treats or put your hands out. Just practice and he'll get it. Most dogs learn that if you say their name something interesting will happen.

    -- biting and chewing stuff: This is just puppy phase. I was lucky enough not to have crocolabs but I'm sure others will help out here!

    -- House training: I've never worked out how to get them to go in one area, sorry!

    -- Separation: Build it up slowly :)

    Good luck , he's a cutie!

    Thanks. Great advice. I guess patience is key here and I do not have a lot of that. Nor does Louis so we make a good match hehehe

    Yes, 9.5 weeks. (just correct it).
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Louis training log - puppyhood

    He's just a baby, so don't expect too much of an attention span yet. You're doing a great job though - so just keep going with your general approach. He sounds lovely :)

    With the 'down'..... You know that the down cue is supposed to be your hand moving towards the ground. But maybe he thinks it's your knees, or the height of your shoulders, or the sight of your whole body moving downwards. He doesn't know that the important bit is only your hand. So, use 'hand moving down with body in crouch position' as a starting point, and gradually work on being able to give the hand signal without actually touching the ground completely with your hand (just one cm and then a few cm above the ground). Once he'll respond to this, start to do it with your body a little less close to the ground. You will have to go in steps, slowly, so eventually you are standing. Does that make sense? :)
  5. andreasjuuls

    andreasjuuls Registered Users

    Dec 3, 2014
  6. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Louis training log - puppyhood

    That's great :)

    Try to keep your hand in the 'down cue' position rather than moving it about or repeating the cue.

    What I liked about what you did is the way you moved your hand straight down without luring him to move towards you or making him crawl along the floor - a lot of people do that without thinking about it. But what you want is a drop on the spot, with no walking or crawling steps, and that's what you got, so well done!

    Also, great to see it all making you so happy :)
  7. andreasjuuls

    andreasjuuls Registered Users

    Dec 3, 2014
    Re: Louis training log - puppyhood

    Day 4 started with some training eating and playing

    We trained a bit mixed to avoid routine responses
    - sit
    - down
    - look at me
    - leave it

    Going better and better


    Will do some basic recall practice,separation (probably I will be more anxious than him) and leash walking later and probably go and socialize at Starbucks
  8. WillowAndLottie

    WillowAndLottie Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2014
    Re: Louis training log - puppyhood

    Looks really good - he's a cutie!

    I like your down signal, saves problems later when they've been taught to follow the hand. Only thing I'd say is when he sits, don't treat until his paws are on the floor - it can create bad habits if he learns to paw at you for food!

    Well done, keep going!
  9. andreasjuuls

    andreasjuuls Registered Users

    Dec 3, 2014
    Re: Louis training log - puppyhood

    We did some separation training

    He has a room that is puppy proofed. His bed is there and so was water toys and kongs with food. It's a bit too warm the room need to solve that. I was on my bike in adjacent room but he cannot see me from the main section of his room he has to go around a corner. I kept door to bike room open but blocked I
    It off. This way he could see me if he wanted to and hear me but not enter

    This is how it went:

    I stayed in his room until he fell a sleep. Then I went to the bike room.first 20 min he slept then he woke up. He cried and tried to get into bike room for maybe 90-120 seconds then settled down. I let him be alone for another 3-4 mins then got into his room without making any fuzz. A kong was empty so decided to fill with premium treats. Came back to his room and gave he kong to him and went to bike again. Was busy with kong for a few minutes then crying again. Stopped and settled after 90-120 seconds. I spent another5 mins then rinse and repeat. Crying a bit shorter this last time. Biked 3 mins and called it a day. Didn't want to overdo it. I Didn't make any fuzz when I came back last time only After a few minutes I gave him a pad on his head

    I think it went fairly well. He was alone total of 33 mins although sleeping 20 of those so doesn't really count

    It's clear he doesn't like his room a lot so will try to make it more attractive

    A few questions
    1. Should I make a fuzz about him and give treats when I return to the room AND he has been quiet for a while?
    2. Should I let him stay alone longer before going back to his room or is building up from a few minutes to start w fine?
    3. What's minimum time from he stops crying until I go back in room ie what's the minimum time he needs to be quiet to associate me coming back w being quiet vs me coming back cause he is crying?

    Any other tips and tricks?

    Separating myself from him is tough heheh. He is soooo cute


  10. sunsetpines

    sunsetpines Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2014
    Re: Louis training log - puppyhood

    He is adorable. :)

    When my Bella was little (she's 18 weeks now), we did a click for quiet while in her crate....I think there is an article on the main page about it. When she is in her crate and making noise, we just ignore her, and I refuse to let her out now until she is both quiet, and laying down....any sort of anxious or noisy behavior doesn't get her anything. Bella comes to work with my husband every day, and so spends some time in her crate there, and when I show up to pick her up and take her home....she has to be settled and quiet before I let her out. Sometimes it's very hard for her since she is THRILLED to see me...but we stay strong. Sometimes it takes a command of "quiet" and a click and treat when she does...but usually just by ignoring her, she settles.

    It takes time....you are their WHOLE world at this age. Also, a good idea to mix up the order of your commands as you work with him, so that he understands the cue and isn't just going through the prescribed order. ;)
  11. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Louis training log - puppyhood

    Awww....he is gorgeous. And doing really well!

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