I've just found a sizeable lump on Winnie, it's fairly elongated on her neck just above her right shoulder. It's hard but does move around with the skin. It doesn't appear to bother her when you touch it, my old lab has a number of fatty lumps but I wouldn't really expect this at 7 months. So we happen to be at the vets tomorrow for her stitches out ( spayed last week) so I'll get them to have a look. Hopefully just a cyst but blimey how these fur babies make you worry! Anyone else experienced lumps on young dogs?
Hi there @heidrun It's about 4cm long, we did think it may be her chip but the size of it made me think differently. Then again I've no idea if her chip is there, it's not something I've felt/ noticed before. I'll be more than pleased if it's her chip, I'm guessing the vet will know instantly if it is.
I sometimes feel my dogs' chips. The lump is definitely larger than the chip itself. Hopefully it's just that.
The chip can move around and is not necessarily in the same location it was inserted in. Always worthwhile getting your dog scanned at every vet visit to check where the chip has migrated to. And to check if it still works! I do hope the lump is nothing. Best of luck!
My guess would be a reaction to an injection seeing as she's just been spayed. My Weimaraner used to get them especially to antibiotic injections. He would get a lump, sometimes quite big, that would last for weeks before disappearing. Hope the vet can put your mind at rest.
Lump update.. thankfully on visiting the vets today for stitches removing, they seem to think her lump is a fat lump. I have to say she's so skinny it's probably the only bit of fat she has ! I'm surprised she's got one so young, I'll keep an eye on it as it's in a awkward place if it grows.
Good news! Mine had quite a few of those fatty lumps from the age of about 2 onwards. I always had them checked out just to give me peace of mind, but they never bothered my pup and never turned into anything dangerous at all.