So I noticed today Betsy had a strange looking lump on her upper left eyelid - it didn't look like anything I've seen before. It is smooth, round and small, slightly red. It looks to be directly on the line of her eyelashes. Vet had a free appointment, so took her along. He said he thought it was either: An infection of a gland to do with tear production; or A hisiocytoma. He said if it's an infection, we want to be on top of it quickly, and if a hisiocytoma it would probably go away on it's own.... Anyway, got some eye drops (eye drops because it's so close to her eye, the vet would rather put eye drops on skin than skin lotion which would definitely go in her eye.....) and will take another look in a week. Hmmm...well, at least it's been seen quickly. Hopefully it'll clear up....he said to take any samples would be difficult as it's so close to her eye...
Obi had a hystiocytoma on his elbow. Went away on it's own in a matter of weeks (not hours or days). My vet said very common in young dogs. Hopefully it'll just clear up.
Sigh....was just thinking Betsy had been surprisingly light on the puppy months vet visits.... I hope it turns out to not be serious....
Yes, that's what the vet said - he said if it's a hystiocytoma, they normally just go on young dogs within a few weeks...kinda hope it's that. He said an infection would be harder to treat. He seemed very good, so I'll take her back next week but if it's not looking to be heading in the right direction, I'll get her to a specialist in London. Don't want to mess about with eyes...
I've googled now though, it doesn't look like the pics....the vet said that he couldn't tell because it had just appeared today (and he usually sees them after a week or so of the owner looking at it)....
Obi's didn't really look like any of the Google pics either. I don't doubt you'll be back before a week if you're at all concerned and quite right too
Well, she is supposed to be going to clicker camp..... I'll take her, and just drive back to London if I'm worried.
Try not to worry and have a great time at clicker camp. There are good vets near Helen's I am sure and there is an eye hospital near Leominster and possibly one even nearer. However, if on the eyelid, eye should be ok.
Lump.... Untitled by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr eye by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr eye by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr
Hhmmmm Riley had a lump like that aaaages ago. Vet thought he had something causing the swelling something in between a grass seed issue and a blocked pore. It resolved itself but we were looking at the slim possibility of minor surgery to sort it out. We treated with eye cream too.