Hi all, I have just noticed some lumps and bumps on tattis snout (I think she also has them down one side too). She had been itching a bit today so I gave her her spot on flea treatment (strong hold, it was a week overdue) and about 20 mins later I notice she is itching even more and now has these lumps. Has anyone ever experienced this? We have given her a quick cool shower - mostly to wash off the stronghold just in case (although she has it every month and it's never been a problem before). She seems fine in herself other than the itching and is currently quite content at the end of the bed. There is an emergency vet open for an hour tomorrow but I just wanted to get a sense of whether this is something other people have experienced and if so, how it was dealt with?? Tatti is one now and generally very healthy and active.
That's no good! Sounds like it may be an allergic reaction, with some hives developing. If her breathing is fine and her behaviour is normal then I'd say this isn't an emergency vet situation. But if you can speak to a vet on the phone then I would, to be on the safe side. If you can't speak to a vet but have some antihistamines on hand you could try those - human ones are fine (eg 1 Zyrtec tablet in the morning and 1 at night is fine). I would get to a vet when you can even if the symptoms go away so you can talk about possible causes and prevention. Might not be the flea treatment.
Thank you. I think you are right about the reaction and that it is hives. I did think about antihistamines but wasn't sure about dosage and we only have piritin in the house. Will try to speak to the vet tomorrow but if not (as it isn't really an emergency) will go on Monday. She has woken up a bit itchy again now and I'm not sure how to help her. Thank you again,
Poor girl. I would give a vet a call if you can and ask for advice on giving piriton, especially if she has woken up itchy. Hope it gets sorted soon
Piriton is fine, half a tablet for pups, one for adults Nexgard is a much better flea and tick treatment - it comes in tasty tablet form (given once a month) ...