Hi everyone, I have been posting/seeking advice and support for a few months now but haven't properly said hello. We live in Norfolk (England) right on the coast. George is 8 years old and Henry is 7 months. William, our lovely senior lab, sadly died last year - we were devastated and George was quite lost without him. So Henry is our latest addition and although George initially hated him with the fire of 10,000 suns they are really good together now!
Hi and welcome to the forum Lynne....from Benson 2, Bramble 15 weeks and Casper 7 years We love photo here btw...
Welcome from me and my two dogs Lynne , I have black Lab Sam who is almost five years old and scruff pup Millie who is ???? ( former stray ! ) . Sorry for your loss of William , they do leave a massive hole in our hearts x
Welcome from me and my two Black Labs Drift aged 10 and Rourke aged 4. I have never been to Norfolk, believe it is flat and much dryer than the west side of the country, but lovely, as is most of Gt Britain.
Hi Lynne, I think I remember saying hi on one of your other posts,but lovely to 'meet' you on the Forum x