Was wondering when is it my little man Rocky will start Cocking his leg instead of crouching like a girl
Re: Male pup Tina, how old is Rocky? Charlie is 3 years old and still squats like a girl but I'm glad as I don't like leg cocking ;D
Re: Male pup Pongo is eight and a half months and no sign yet of leg cocking.... but we are waiting with baited breath!
Re: Male pup Could be a long time Took my boy 18 months (though he was desexed at 7 months). He wees like a girl at home (no need to mark what is clearly yours) and like a boy everywhere else.
Re: Male pup Charlie was neutered at about 6 months at the rescue centre, I think I read somewhere that early neutering plays a large part in non leg cocking :-\ x
Re: Male pup My boy is 17 months now and intact - he cocks his leg like a mad dog outside the garden, even when he has no pee left! ;D ;D ;D He doesn't do it when we are doing exciting stuff - like fetch. In the garden, his leg cocks are halfhearted and if he really needs a pee, he squats. He started around 9 months and was reliably cocking his leg by about a year.
Re: Male pup Lilly (my GIRL) squats to pee in the garden, but always squats AND lifts her right leg when she is out and about She started doing this around 18mths if I recall.
Re: Male pup Benson was a cocker at about 7 months old, and like to cock his leg everywhere...at home it seems more half hearted. Outside our garden he like to cock so high I am surprised he stays standing!
Re: Male pup Hiya to you all, different ages and some still stoop even now which one will my Rocky be lol a stopper or a cocker. Charlie he is nearly 5 months now but no sign whatsoever of cocking his leg bless him, not a big issue really was just wondering I for when thanks all
Re: Male pup One of our pups has done this a few times now and he's only 14 weeks ;D the other squats every time x