Many vet visits, still no answers. Need help!

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by smilo, Oct 22, 2017.

  1. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    There are hypoallergenic dog foods that can be used to eliminate the possibility of food allergy. Tilly has a problem with some foods, and we have settled on a chicken, brown rice, base over they years. Some cheap dog foods seem to really set her off, but we have never been sure exactly what she is allergic too.

    Benadryl is often used for relief of itching in dogs. We have used it with Tilly a few times when she got into something that made her itchy. It also makes them sleepy, which can be a good thing if they are prone to chewing on their paws or fur at night.
  2. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    I don’t know that shampoo. Sounds like it has chlorohexidine from its name - which is a good antibacterial. Malaseb is the best tho from my experience.

    I feed my dog raw meat and raw meaty bones. I prefer it to kibble, which is highly processed and generally high in carbs. If you do decide to feed raw, make sure you research it to ensure you feed a balanced diet. It shouldn’t cost more than a high-end kibble.
  3. Tammy Cooke

    Tammy Cooke Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2017
    I'm sorry to hear about this. Our 4 year old lab has significant skin allergies. She had allergy tests done in the end and she's allergic to dust mites, storage mites etc.
    She is on a monthly injection which cost near £300 every 10 months. When she is scratching more than normal we give an antihistamine which helps her. She has been red raw with it, especially her tummy and her bottom region. She's had steroids before in the past and things are slowly slowly easing.
    I'd definitely recommend allergy testing may initially be expensive but will save money in the long run.
    When she was bad and she had a rash on her tummy we washed her with aloe vera hand and face soap from 'forever living' which really eased it. Just ensure you wash all traces of soap off and then you can apply aloe vera soothing gel. It works for her but might not for every dog.
    We feed her Arden grange sensitive white fish and potatoe. And we try to avoid long grass, easier said than done though.
    Good luck and keep us posted
  4. Tammy Cooke

    Tammy Cooke Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2017

    Fluconazole is used for to treat candidiasis in humans which is a fungal infection. So yes it could be but I wouldn't use it in humans to treat ringworm. A topical treatment is better such as clotrimazole, miconazole but again this is humans not animals ?
  5. smilo

    smilo Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2017
    Just an update, the medicine didn't seem to help so I called the vet and she put him on prednisone which is seeming to help with his itching.

    One thing I noticed when I was brushing him he has a lot of dandruff, so going to add salmon oil to his diet to help out his dry skin.
  6. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    Prednisone is cortisone, and is very effective at reducing itchiness - I’m sure your dog must feel very relieved. However, it’s use and your dog’s health must be carefully monitored by your vet. And more importantly, when you stop using it, you need to ween your dog off it slowly - also with guidance by your vet.

    Re dry skin - what are you feeding your dog?
  7. Johnny Walker

    Johnny Walker Registered Users

    Sep 10, 2016
    Eastern Canada
    I’m having problems of my own right now but I can’t ignore my instincts after reading this forum. Can you post your dogs daily routine. Tell us hour by hour his daily routine. If your pet is left alone for any amount of time per day and these are self inflicted then your issue is behavioural.
  8. Johnny Walker

    Johnny Walker Registered Users

    Sep 10, 2016
    Eastern Canada
    That or fleas.
  9. smilo

    smilo Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2017
    Sorry, i've been away. He eats Purina pro plan for sensitive skin and stomach.
  10. smilo

    smilo Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2017
    Milo had his second birthday, I thought you guys would like this photo of him. He's doing better! The puppy eyes staring at his pile of presents :D

    CMartin, Plum's mum, Atemas and 9 others like this.
  11. smilo

    smilo Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2017
  12. Candy

    Candy Registered Users

    Sep 23, 2017
    West Yorkshire
    Oh dear, not easy for you having to deal with that and flu! I have no particularly helpful advice I'm afraid, but our sweetheart yellow lab Barley went through a fungal-type skin irritation at about the same age as your lovely boy,although not as lumpy. We had loads and loads of tests from the vet but never got to the bottom of it. Then after about 6 months it just went away and never came back. Do hope you manage to sort it out for the poor little lad (so lovely looking by the way) also that you too are feeling better soon.
    smilo likes this.
  13. smilo

    smilo Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2017
    Thank you very much, that was a sweet thing to say. I'm doing better for now, hoping to get my puppy feeling better too!
    Granca likes this.
  14. Aitch

    Aitch Registered Users

    Sep 30, 2017
    Just a thought. What do you use for cleaning your home? Have a good look through your cleaning cupboard and see how many of the products are perfumed or high on chemicals. Some animals (and people) are very sensitive to these sorts of products.
  15. smilo

    smilo Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2017
    I've thought of that too. I've bought hypoallergenic sheets, wash them in only water. For house cleaning I use natural products, baking soda, vinegar, etc. I've changed everything about Milo's and I living arrangements. The only thing left that I can think of is his food.
  16. Milan Houdini

    Milan Houdini Registered Users

    Dec 11, 2017
    Mine looked like that and it was a staph infection or bacteria infection. We bought a medicated shampoo which was like $30 and began bathing twice a week for the first two weeks and then one a week for 4 weeks. That got ahead of it and he seemed fine. I finally figured out that he was picking this up from laying on the ground outside. So since he was sensitive we bathed ours 1 every two - three weeks for maintenance
  17. Milan Houdini

    Milan Houdini Registered Users

    Dec 11, 2017
    It doesn’t look like ringworm
  18. smilo

    smilo Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2017
    Do you know what shampoo by chance?
  19. smilo

    smilo Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2017
    Thinking about going with Taste of the wild food. Does anyone have any experience or complaints with it?
  20. smilo

    smilo Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2017
    Looks like switching to Grain-free food fixed milo's problems! No more rashes, lumps, itching for over a month now! If anyone else is having the same issue, switching Milo from Purina Pro plan food to Taste of the wild worked wonders for him.

    I ran out of his medicated shampoo from the vet, could anyone recommend one available over the counter for anti-fungal / Anti-bacterial?

    Thank you all for the help over the past few months, we both appreciate it!
    Kelsey&Axel, Karen, CMartin and 5 others like this.

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