So Max has arrived home, has settled in fairly well, although is struggling to settle down, as to be expected. We have had him home since 10.30 this morning and had two wee's outside and one rather upset tummy as well as threw up in the car ! I have put the vomit and tummy down to stress, but not sure about the amountof wee he has passed as it seems such a small amount, has drunk a fair amount and had 1 meal so far, was not really interested in it. Going to see what tomorrow brings. I have put him in his crate and he has fallen asleep but not very deep, keeps getting up and looking at us, no crying and then lays down again. He is10 weeks old. Also had three days on panacur wormer the past three days from the breeder. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. He saw the breeders vetbyesterday for his last injections. . ?
When George took the three days of dewormer his appetite decreased and he had some loose stool during that time. Maybe that, shots, plus being in a new situation is making him feel a bit off.
That is what I'm hoping, it's a massive adjustmentfor him. Thank you for your reply, I'm hoping you are right he is just really tired and wont give in, bit like a human baby I suppose.
Its all so very new for them , those first few days , taken from the only place they new . He will soon settle into a routine and begin to bond . Vaccinations can upset tummies , so along with the wormer , its the most likely culprit , he sounds lovely x
Well after a great night of sleeping in his crate, no crying, up twice in the night for toilet break, my alam was set, Max has demolished his brekkie had a great game in the garden and is now crashed out in his crate.
That sounds like he's settling in well. Puppies tummies can be so up and down, the slightest thing can cause an upset. We'd love to see some pictures!
Lol, I've tried uploading a photo but it keeps saying it's too large, will have yo get my Oh to do it for me.but then again trying to get one of nex still is another thing.
@Tokalosh I've just discovered a brilliant, free super easy to use app for resizing photos, have a search for 'photo and picture resizer' in your app store.
That's great to hear that he's already doing so much better on his second day. Puppies sure are tough, aren't they! What I do is very non-technie but may work for you: I take a screenshot of my photo and then upload the screenshot. Or if working out of my photo management program, I choose "medium" for the size when I export (instead of original).