The British Horse Society have arranged some 'meet the horses' days for dogs here in Fife, so today we took Ripple along as we don't meet many horses when we're out, and I thought it would be a good experience for him. To start with he was too busy trying to play with the other dogs to even notice the horses but he did eventually spot they were there. We did some walking past stationary horses, then some stop and sit near them and eventually we sat and watched while the horses walked and then trotted past. Ripple did his normal trying to jump up but the horses had been specially chosen so weren't fazed , although there were dog trainers there as well who were making sure Ripple was far enough way to be safe for everyone. I think it was worthwhile, OH enjoyed it as there was tea and cake , and we went for a walk in the woods afterwards so Ripple was happy and has slept most of the rest of the day (so I'm happy too ).
Oh fab - never heard of this. (we have lots of passing horses - on lead and sit for us - aware of nasty incident with racehorse smashing car window when freaked.........)
@drjs@5 it was at Blairadam forest in Kelty, there is another one at Tentsmuir on Sunday 4th September - advertised on the BHS Scotland website.
Ah thanks @SteffiS . Tentsmuir and ourselves are not strangers i shall have a look. Sophie would enjoy going.
What a good idea. We are rural so can meet horses and riders on a couple of walks we do. A former rider myself I take pains to accustom my puppies to horses. Overly friendly dogs who might get too close to heels are just as much a worry for a rider or dog owner as unfriendly dogs. It was nice when horses were pastured just across the road and we could take carrots and visit them. Most of the horses were just as curious about puppy as puppy was about them.
Great idea for dogs who don't see horses. We have horses in the fields that surround our house. Fred and Annie take no notice of them. They are use to seeing horses heads pop up over our hedge or walk pass them in the fields. We had to work on Cars
There are horses in a field just outside our gate but they have a fence keeping them back to prevent anyone feeding them. The nearest Ripple gets to them is when their hooves are trimmed and Ripple finds bits to eat in the lane . We have had to work on everything with Ripple - buses, cars, bikes, people, other dogs, cats - the list is endless .
My two don't see horses as a matter of course but seem completely oblivious to them. On the other hand, they are scared of cows. Go figure.
When I had my last dog (a chocolate Lab) I also owned a horse. My dog had quite a sensitive stomach, yet strangely could eat hoof trimmings with impunity.
For dogs to have an oppertunity to meet horses - That's such a thoughtful idea. We took Homer to meet my sister in laws ponies when he was quite young. Their chickens were far more fun! We also had a lovely pair of mounted police stop and let Homer sniff and get close when he was younger.
Back in March when my Zeke was about 6 months old I took him to a nearby horse farm. He just sat and watched, let out a short low grumble once but mainly just watched and not once did he try to go meet them.
Best not to let your dogs eat hoof trimmings. They will be full of bacteria/fungal organisms. Some owners also put preparations on the feet to control that kind of thing (eg Betadine, antiseptic sprays, copper sulphate, thrush cream...). Also potentially hoof oil which has who knows what in it.
WE had such a nice horsey meeting this past week. One of the places we walk horse riders trailer to and for some reason we haven't met the ladies for maybe over a year. This week we did, they remembered me and Oban, I remember them and their horses and we all expressed our happiness at meeting after wondering what had happened to each other. So nice.