Where has the time gone?! Milo our lovely chocolate boy is 1 today. He's waiting until his big (human brother) is up to open his presents! Then we are off for one of his favourite walks. Hoping to get some photos later of him with his birthday badge!
Re: Milo is one today!! http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/suze62/media/IMGP0050_zpstou6dwid.jpg.html http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/suze62/media/IMGP0032_zpsvyjedj8l.jpg.html http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/suze62/media/IMGP0011_zpsstb3p8d2.jpg.html
Re: Milo is one today!! Happy Birthday Milo! What a handsome birthday boy you are too with your badge!