My angel girl has been with my since Jan 4, and the last few days has started freaking me out! Her belly is getting fat, her nipples are swelling, and now she is making milk. She is not acting pregnant though. I took her to the vet today and it was totally useless, the vet couldn't do an ultrasound. Basically I paid $70 for the doctor to take Misty's temperature and feel her belly. Ugh!The vet said "Oh, I can feel her spay scar," and I said, "No, she isn't spayed yet," and then the vet says "Oh, you're right, that's her navel." Whaaat! Anyway, I am taking her next week to the veterinary college a few cities away. She is WAY too old to have puppies, but I need to know if spaying will be safe while pregnant, especially given her age (13.) When she came I suspected she might be in heat because my boys (neutered) were all humpy humpterons, but that could be because she was new, so I wasn't sure. She didn't have outward signs of heat otherwise. She is otherwise healthy as a horse and so loving and kind. She is so special to me! We love to go for car rides, and she really likes to lay with me on the floor in front of the fire while I read. She is an absolute angel and I am so, so lucky to be her mom
Hello there, so sorry you got a hopeless vet! But glad to hear Misty is safe and happy with you. I have never had bitches, only boys, so I'm no help! I hope someone more knowledgable comes along you think she could be pregnant or perhaps that phantom pregnancy thing, where bitches think so but they are not?
I can't offer advice on the Misty's age for the spay, but we had to have Belle spayed when she was pregnant at around 18 months old. It was a difficult decision, but we got her from the local council dog pound - she had been taken in as a stray, she was already pregnant (no-one knew at the time). We felt it would have been wrong to bring x number of puppies into the world when dogs are roaming the street as strays. There was only one vet in our practice who was prepared to do it - it's higher risk due to the rich blood supply to the pregnant uterus. Belle bounced back fine. Misty really needs an ultrasound to see if she IS pregnant.
Goodness,I've nothing to offer to help you with this......I don't know anything about bitches fertile years....could Julie be onto something about a 'phantom' she does seem old in my uneducated opinion?Vet sounded a bit of a duffer too.I hope you get a clearer picture next week.....have you got a week to spare if you think she could be pregnant and are considering a spay?Let us know how you get on ,really glad she's home safe with you ,bet you've had a shock with this x
Oh dear , I do so hope she isn't pregnant, given her age . I rescued my terrier , it wasn't known if she was spayed or not as the scar can fade to nothing over time . She then had a season quickly followed by a phantom pregnancy which was so real , even producing milk , she needed medication to put a halt to it and then she was spayed . Lots of luck at the Vets, please keep us posted .
If you think she was in season and she's now displaying pregnancy behaviours it could be quite possible she's having a phantom pregnancy and hopefully not a real one at her age! sorry you got such a rubbish answer from your vet though. I would have though if she was far enough along in pregnancy that she's making milk then a vet would be able to feel puppies in her abdomen, but I would definitley get a second opinion than the original vet you saw. They can also advise you on the benefits/risks of neutering at this age.
Oh boy. Our rescue English Springer Spaniel ws just strting to show signs of heat when we brought her home. She was spayed four days after we got her. My understanding, now, is that the area is engorged with much more blood than when not in heat, making the surgery longer and more difficult becasue the Vet surgeon cannot see and has to keep mopping it up. Whisper was absolutely fine, BUT, she was only 4 years old. Good wishes for your girl.
Wow, what a worry. Fingers crossed it's just a phantom. That can be bad enough; I can't talk for dogs, but one of my ferrets had a phantom pregnancy and she and her sister, who she treated as her baby, were utterly miserable until it passed. Please let us know what happens after your vet visit next week.
Poor Misty and you. I don't have any advice but hoping all turns out for the best for you both. Let us know please. Please give Misty lots of hugs from us xx
I would think it is probably a phantom pregnancy. If she is pregnant, I dont think you'll be able to do anything about it though... When was her season? In my experience the phantom pregnancy starts manifesting itself around 8 - 12 weeks after the last season.