Yes, her permanent person will have the dubious title 'brood bitch holder'. I have a friend who is waiting for a brood, I really hope she gets Mollie!
That would be good, then you could follow her for her life. How many litters can they have and when too old to have more, do the still stay with the owner?
They usually have three or four litters and, yes, their BBH often keeps them in retirement, otherwise she'll be offered back to me - my answer would be yes!
Brambles nips were tiny, then she had her first season and now they stand out like spark plugs! I worry about her catching them on undergrowth.... Assuming she passes all her old would she be when she is mated for her first litter?
What a fab photo. Can't wait for my two to get in the same bed. They are in each other's beds at the moment .
I know what you mean, my son came home tonight, looked at Cassie and said "why's she bagging up Mum"? An agricultural term for a cow due to calve. Bitches we've had before have been longer haired, so guess not so noticeable. Going a bit off the subject of this wonderful thread, sorry @Boogie