Moo seems to have deteriorated a little bit and seems stiff and achy. She been charging about so I think she's just done too much and pulled a muscle or two. Her mild SLO is still there but not too bad. She just seems not as good as she was. Nothing i shouldn't be surprised at or worried about she is 14 but i just don't like it. I was really conscious of her age and frailty today. Theres a nothing I can do but it still makes me sad
Awww bless her, she's an absolute trooper by the sounds of it though! Which one of them is in your avatar? What colours are moo and Rory? Cos we've never seen a pic I'm not sure I know
Sorry to hear this. It's so hard to watch them getting old. I think it's great that she's still active and enjoying life though.
It is sad when we see our beloved dogs age and become frail, let's just hope it is the result of the hot weather and she will feel a little brighter now it is cooler.
Yep but I'm really aware time is moving on faster for her. She's a tiny black and grey lab mostly grey now. She is still very active amazingly so its just not too good at the moment
Oh Moo, hope it's just the weather, and you will be back on devastating form soon. I think it is so difficult watching our beloved companions become old. Doesn't seem right. Reminds me of this quote: "In the dog world, humans are elves that routinely live to be 500+ years old....."
I hope she's relaxing and reading the books, rather than chewing her way through them! She's doing so well for fourteen.
Hope she feels better today and barked at 3 or 4 in the night Sure those books are keeping her occupied
I know there's nothing anyone can do it but verbalising helps. She got me up at 3.15 this morning and has had a bad night. I'm just going to keep an eye on her