Morning "surprises"....potty!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Yvonne, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    Example fromCooper: just picked him up from day care, comes home, we go out to the garden (me to pick up his poos, him to....whatever)....he wee's and then he poo's.....We came in a few minutes later and he has had his dinner/tea.
    Time here in the USA 5:30PM. I will take him out at 8:30 PM before going to bed at 9PM. If he does not poo then, will take him for a walk around the garden. I know we have to establish a pattern/habit so he knows he has to go before going to bed, no matter what.
    Thanks to all of you....I see we all do something different but to the same end (no pun intended!). I DO appreciate all your input.
  2. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    Last night was a hit.....took him out to his area at 9:00PM, he wee'd, sniffed ar ound for a few minutes, I put the leash on him and walked him around repeating the word "potty" several times ...and he DID! I praised him a lot and gave him a treat and in we came to settle for the night. I realize this has to go on for several days and probably weeks until he knows he has to go THEN or he has to wait till the morning. I wonder if they realize that. They are so darn smart.....and have a great memory. Mine knows the moment I turn off the highway towards his day care .....he starts to get very excited and "vocalizes" his extreme pleasure!! He also has little rituals he does.....some in the morning....some at night....and some with specific toys he has. So funny and endearing at the same time.
    Will keep you posted....maybe not every day or you will get bored to read about Cooper's potty situation but certainly every so many days. Again, thanks so much for all your input. Helps tons.
  3. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    That's really good,just try not to worry if he doesn't poo before bedtime as he might not need to - most nights Juno doesn't but then she will for a couple of evenings and then not again. The key is to give them the opportunity before bedtime. Fingers crossed everything continues in a positive way.
  4. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    So glad things are getting better keep up the good work
  5. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    Well, I wrote on the 9th and all was going well BUT, this morning, woke up to another "surprise"! Potty/poop/poo. He did a huge poo at 7:30 last night, went to bed at 9:00....did a week before that but no poo. I got up this morning and there it was.....
    So, tonight, I am taking him out again at 9 and, if he doesnt go, will put him in his crate with a treat. Maybe the family room is big enough that he thinks where he goes is NOT his area!! Seems to go to the same place these two times.....darn, just when you think it's working! Will keep you posted.
  6. CDM

    CDM Registered Users

    Dec 12, 2014
    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    7.30 pm is quite early what about a last trip before you head to bed? I force Bella out at ten to ten thirty and she wees and poops before climbing into her crate. Good luck ;D
  7. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    Update on Cooper. I now take him out at 9PM and he always wee's and about 90% of the time he poo's but I must say that the 10% of the time he does NOT poo I worry about surprises so those nights I put him in his crate. Hope this is the right thing to do. So have had no more surprises either way.
    Thanks for all your help and suggestions.
  8. stripeybelly

    stripeybelly Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2015
    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    Just wanted to add this since no one brought it up - how many times a day does he generally go? When I switched my adult Lab to a better-quality food (less filler) he went from going 3 times a day to just going once a day. Also, exercise does stimulate the bowels- BUT - dogs have been known to hold their poo because they know if they do, they will get an extra walk - their favorite thing! Just something to keep in mind. :)
  9. JAYMZ

    JAYMZ Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2015
    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    [quote author=stripeybelly link=topic=10483.msg159579#msg159579 date=1430092806]
    Just wanted to add this since no one brought it up - how many times a day does he generally go? When I switched my adult Lab to a better-quality food (less filler) he went from going 3 times a day to just going once a day. Also, exercise does stimulate the bowels- BUT - dogs have been known to hold their poo because they know if they do, they will get an extra walk - their favorite thing! Just something to keep in mind. :)

    Yes this. On kibble Monty would go at least three times a day. On raw, only once.

    He is always fed at least 3hrs before bed and given a final opportunity to go before bed.
    And water is taken up an hour before bed.
  10. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    Juno now goes twice a day on her hills prescription kibble. Before her op she normally went three times a day, before breakfast, after dinner and also either while out for a walk or while playing/training in the garden. Her last meal is around 7:00 pm and water is always available.
  11. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    Cooper is on Fromm ....a 5 star kibble. He goes in the morning after his breakfast, he will always go a small on one of the walks, and then he "usually"goes at night before bed. Another thing that I have changed a bit at the advice of his vet....he has dinner 5:00/5:30 but keep a quarter of a cup for just before he goes to bed because he was throwing up bile during the night and it was because he was having his dinner too early. I had tried just giving him a couple of "milk bones" which are quite large before going to bed but that didnt seem to be enough. He always has water available to him. I also notice that his poo in the morning is "kickable" but on a walk if he goes, its much softer. Then, at night, it is kickable again. Could that be due to his drinking more water in the afternoon or because he is exercising/walking? We have to go "tweaking" things as we go along, dont we.....will we ever be 100%? I want to keep him healthy and happy and will do whatever is necessary....wish I could understand "doggie" so he could tell me what to do!!!!
    P.S. we learn soooo much from this Forum. Thank goodness we have it!
  12. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Re: Morning "surprises"....potty!

    I know what you mean, life would be so much easier if we spoke the same language as our dogs although Juno does try hard to make us understand what she wants ;D Juno's poo is firmer in the morning and after dinner than any she does on walks/playing - I think you just need to work out what is normal for your dog and not worry too much. I know before her surgery when we were out for group walks Juno and the other dogs all went a couple of times each but they wouldn't any other day of the week - I'm sure someone could explain the behaviour behind it

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