Betsy has the MOST annoying habit of weeing on mats. Ok, sometimes I think her habit of digging in her water bowl, soaking herself and her entire pen, and bedding, 2 minutes after I've dried everything from the last time she attacked her water bowl is the most annoying, but the weeing on mats is right up there. It's not about her weeing on a mat when she has gone to a door to be let out (she doesn't go to the door yet) - which I could understand - it's just about her weeing on mats! So, today, I took her out for a walk, she came back and had a wee on the front doorstep mat! What? And if she is 'caught short' inside and has an accident, which isn't very often, she will run to the nearest training or settle mat and have a wee! Even though she is on a perfectly good washable floor thank you very much. Bloomin' puppies! Wondered what was the most annoying things other puppies do.....
Homer's most annoying was being sick all over the carpet. Hall runners were replaced twice and the living room carpet replaced. Funny moment when I was when I left Homer with hubby while I went to see family in South Africa, Homer was ill all over the carpet next to hubby while we were chatting on Skype, hubby so reaction was to send me to get kitchen paper and clean it up, from 1000 miles away! Next most annoying, possibly more annoying as 4 years later he still does it is digging in his water bowl and flooding the kitchen.
Current most annoying habit is chewing 'dangly clothes', things like baggy shorts (my son's pajamas) or when I have my baggy Pajama bottoms and dressing gown on. It's just too tempting for him! That and peeing etc over the floor when we haven't spotted him sniffing around
At 2.5 years exactly! And she still wakes at 5am every day! Annoying when she was a puppy and is now just a daily routine of an early morning cuddle on my bed!!
Axels most annoying thing is when he drinks water. I have to keep towels now in the kitchen so I can dry up his mess. He drinks his water and walks away with water leaking out both sides of his mouth from his water dish all through the kitchen and into the living room. Every. Single. Time. Or he will be drinking and if he thinks I am going to leave the room he turns his head in my direction and what looks like a gallon of water falls all over the floor. Literally there will be puddles of water I love him dearly...
Oh and to add to axels water habits. He still tends to drink too much and will come over to me and put his head in my lap for some pets... And regurgitate water up all over my lap. It's basically a daily occurrence. I get up dry my lap with the towel and then dry the water up off the floors
Currently my puppy (nearly 5 months old) is barking at everything. I also agree with the water bowl. Hugo digs at it and water goes everywhere and just when I thought that was bad enough tonight he carried his FULL water bowl from the kitchen into the lounge, leaving a river of water in his wake, and the proceeded to jump onto the sofa with it and water went EVERYWHERE!
You're all wrong! Puppies aren't annoying in the slightest. Nope, not one single thing they do is annoying. It's entirely possible I have suppressed certain things mine did. But I'm sure they were never annoying. Oh no.
HaHa! This is Charlie's (3.5 years) most annoying habit. You'd think a whale had breached in his water bowl by the time he's finished, the mess he makes. Very unfortunately, Betsy shows no signs of being a delicate little Lady where slurping water is concerned...actually, where nothing is concerned... My kitchen floor is swimming in water for most of the day....
Currently it's the barking at my cats. They have access to the bedrooms and are separated from Xena (who has the living/kitchen area) by a gate. Two of them are nervous wrecks (always have been) and they drive Xena wild, probably because their whole demeanour screams "prey" . I click for quiet but it's an uphill battle. The other cat isn't a problem, Xena just play bows and does zoomies around the sofa when she strolls into the room. And the eating of furniture and door frames and now part of the wall. As if this damned dog didn't have plenty of stuff to chew. I once redirected her away from the coffee table for over 30 minutes. I'm sorry but that's just not feasible day to day.
Re puppies/dogs with water bowels and slushing water all over the place! I have found putting the water bowel inside a washing up bowel does help to contain a lot of splashed water
Stanley has to be in everything. He doesn't necessarily chew it but he is so nosey and destructive. At the OH's parents today he charged around, went in the bin, on the work tops, dragged the paper around, got every shoe from the shoe rack then for his final performance jumped head first in the cat litter tray. Then got in his bed they kindly bought him and went to sleep like a little angel He also jumps up and gets the washing from the line.
Cooper stands at the outside door (wants to go out?), I get up and open the door ....he steps out,looks around and then comes in. Five minutes later the same dance. This could go on all day if it was up to,if I am sitting watching TV I now have a long stick with a hook at the end and open and close the damn door until I give up and tell him more!!! Ditto on the water bowl but I just dont let it stress me out anymore.... Still, I love him with all my heart, the brat!!
Lol this is so funny. And here I was thinking I was alone on this! I truly just laugh because it is so funny to see how such a mess can come from one dog innocently drinking his water. (As annoying as it is) It's a good thing they are cute