Hey guys my lab is gonna be 1 in a couple do weeks but he's behaviour seems to be going backwards. He's not listening to me, he's started mouthing again. Is this a normal stage? And will it get better? He's been such good dog. I'm struggling as what to do with him. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks
Our Wilson is also coming up to one year old and he has become noticeably more mouthy in the last couple of weeks, particularly with hands. He's also on the lookout constantly for things to steal - we're back to pushing things to the back of counters and putting everything up on high shelves. I've been told it's just a phase but we're substituting a ball or chew toy each time he tries to 'chew' our hands and that is helping. Listening wise, again I've been told that's a phase and you often have to go back to basics with commands etc as they seem to go through a stage of 'forgetting' what they've learned. I'm no expert and I'm sure you'll get lots of great advice from more experienced owners but I'm pretty sure this will pass.
At 1 year old we really needed to go back to basics with all the training and increase the intensity and frequency of training sessions. Lots of brain games helped too.
Thank you. Nownincan focus on him 100% we should start getting somewhere. We are starting some new classes on Wednesday so hopefully that will help