Murphy at 17 weeks old

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by karen reid, May 6, 2014.

  1. karen reid

    karen reid Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2014
    Hi, I'm wondering how other families are "coping" with their newish additions? We've had Murphy 9 weeks now. We also have a collie x called jack who is 15 years old. Rightly or wrongly we got Murphy 2 weeks after losing our 16 year old.

    We love Murphy to pieces but by golly he is hard work, and I think by reading some of the posts on here we've got it fairly easy!!! My biggest gripe with him is him barking at Jack. I know he only wants him to play but jack doesn't want to play and Murphy insists on barking.

    He's a wee character though and we wouldn't be without him. Is it wrong of me to be wishing him puppy days away though?!?!?! Maybe it's just been a particularly stressful day :) [​IMG]]
  2. Maggie68

    Maggie68 Registered Users

    Jun 4, 2013
    Re: Murphy at 17 weeks old

    No not wrong to wish those puppy days away, I remember the stressy early puppy days. Sorry, not sure what to suggest with the barking and older dog. Maybe separate them, give the older dog some peace, and a kong or toy to the younger one. Otis at a year is still a pup and wants to play. However he no longer play bites, no painful puppy teeth. It does pass and it will get easier. Im sure he will grow up to be a great dog, Maggie x
  3. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Murphy at 17 weeks old

    Whilst I'm chuckling a bit at poor Jack under the table for some respite from your 'terror' ;D I think it would be a good idea for him to have a safe place that he can go to when he wants some peace and quiet from his new playful brother!your post doesn't say that anything is escalating between them so sounds like jack is tolerating the verbal ok,it's just annoying?
    I'm no good on advice as I'm just enjoying my owning my first dog so haven't any relevant experience......there are many forum members that have and I'm sure they will stop by to give you a hand ;D
    Hi by the way,my dog is a yellow boy and 20 months old
    Welcome from Angela x
  4. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Murphy at 17 weeks old

    It definitely gets easier as they get older.
    I sometimes think it would be good to do it again - I have learned so much on here and think "if only I had done it this way". But it is jolly hard work getting it right. So satisfying at the end of the day though to have a well brought up and behaved dog (or so I hear ;D )
    Yes I would do it again, but not unless I could semi retire first.
  5. Trishad3397

    Trishad3397 Registered Users

    Oct 29, 2013
    Re: Murphy at 17 weeks old

    Aw they are both adorable and poor Jack bless, the separation advice along with distraction sounds good to me although learning the comand No might work. My puppy is 8 months now and she loves to torments our cats, she is slowly getting to understand that they are not one of her toys and a firm No and leave is finally starting to work.
  6. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Murphy at 17 weeks old

    Looks like Murphy's saying "What?? I didn't touch him!!". :)
  7. karen reid

    karen reid Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2014
    Re: Murphy at 17 weeks old

    hehe, the photo actually looks worse than it is. This is where Jack has always liked to be, he's not hiding from Murphy - honestly ;) Jack has been fantastic with Murphy, I am really proud of him, and Murphy has brought out a puppyness in Jack that I thought was long gone.

    The barking doesn't bother Jack as much as it bothers me. He was barking at me this morning when I was putting out his breakfast and a very load NO from me seemed to do the trick, so I think I'll work on using that strategy.

    I do feel like a bad mummy wishing his puppy years away though. I think I'm just use to having two old boys for the past 16 years and Murphy is a shock to the system!!!

    Thanks for your comments as always xxx
  8. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Murphy at 17 weeks old

    Murphy and Jack are so handsome, you are so lucky :) x
  9. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Murphy at 17 weeks old

    Aargh it drives me mad the way posts sometimes just don't appear!!! I wrote a reply saying that I feel your pain as I have been through something very similar. Our old boy was 13 and I felt very guilty that he was being bullied by the puppy - but once she reached about 5 months they became good friends. Just make sure Jack gets quality time with you, and that he can get away from the puppy for some peace if he needs it.
  10. Missy33

    Missy33 Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2013
    Re: Murphy at 17 weeks old

    The dogs are lovely - my question though is how do you keep such beautifully clean carpets with 2 of them!!

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