Oh Frankie,bless you ,that photo has made me cry,it's beautiful but it looks so far from anywhere knowing what happened there xxx
I really hope you get permission for the bench Frankie as this would make such a difference to you. Beautiful spot to remember Murphy xxx
That is a lovely idea! xx One tribute I read somewhere..was someone leaving a bucket of tennis balls on their dogs favourite beach..inviting the dogs to help themselves in his memory. Thought that was lovely
I've only just read your sad news. I'm so sorry - what an awful thing to have happened. Thinking of you.
Just realised that 2 years ago today was the day we brought Murphy home at 8 weeks. He wasn't even with us for 2 whole years
That's right, time doesn't mean anything to dogs. All of his life was wonderful and perfect, because he spent it with you. Of course time does seem like something to us humans and it is a human thing to do to think of the time we didn't have... It is hard for some reason to focus on the time we did have. It just seems terribly unfair. I keep thinking of that photo of you all dressed up in your Wizard of Oz costumes. Murphy made the most excellent and handsome Lion.
This was one of the first pictures I saw on this forum. It made me laugh so much. He was perfect as a lion! I hope you can smile at the good times you had and the memories you made. Even though they were too few, each day he spent with you was special. Big hugs.
Oh heck, just catching up after my holiday and so, so sorry to hear about Murphy. Seems so unfair to lose him so young Big hugs
We train quite often on Salisbury Plain. I love it, it is stark and beautiful with big skies.....doggy heaven. I shall think of Murphy often when we're there xxx
Unfortunately the mod said no to a bench we are going to plant, daffodil bulbs and bluebells in the spot instead so they grow back every year instead x
Oh, that's a lovely idea. It's a shame about the bench, but the flowers will be beautiful and help remind you of the happy times