My dog doesn't bark!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by StlCardinals, Jan 1, 2018.


How often does your dog bark?

  1. Too much!

    3 vote(s)
  2. He/she barks, but it's not disturbing or disruptive

    15 vote(s)
  3. Never. My dog never barks.

    6 vote(s)
  1. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017
    My dog rarely barked as a puppy. My sister's dogs, on the other hand, bark at any little noise. When he was about 4 months old, there was someone trying to break into our home, and our Aspen didn't bark. However, now that he's older, (8 months) he will bark. I think the break in is what put him on high alert. He will also bark if he is too far from us and can hear us out and about in the house while he is penned or crated. His barking isn't really an annoyance to me if it isn't because he wants to be let out. If anything, his barking, to me, is handy, because it is his way of telling us what he wants/needs.
  2. blaser1975

    blaser1975 Registered Users

    Nov 13, 2017
    My old girl barked I think 2-3 times in the 14 years we had her that I know of I look back and I do think its because she came from a game keeper I remember beating over there and if any of the dogs barked he came out with a stick .:mad:
    I never seen him use it but there woz very little barking even though I think he had 30 odd dogs that's the only reason I can think of why she never barked a lot
  3. Jacqueline Mckendrick

    Jacqueline Mckendrick Penny and me

    Sep 11, 2017
    Penny barks a lot. When she is in her own back garden its relentless at times. I find myself out there with her and looking about but usually there is nothing about. She just likes the world to know she is there. She is still in season just now and its worse.
  4. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    My boy Bailey barks during play or when he wants something - like when he decides its time for walkies! If someone knocks on the door he jumps up and just stands at the front room door, not a peep of a bark then! He is also vocal with groans and moans and is an Olympic gold medallist for whining!
  5. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Keir barks ‘play with me NOW!’ at Tatze.

    But otherwise he’s a quiet boy. Tatze can be relied on to woof at any ring of the doorbell and Zaba too - he has an amazing, deep ‘woof’ - you’d think he was four times the size!

  6. Teller's mom

    Teller's mom Registered Users

    Dec 5, 2016
    Glad to see I'm not the only one with an oddball dog, lol! Teller hardly ever barks in the 2 years I've had him he's barked a handful of times and never more than once at a time. He is silent for the most part, rarely whines or makes any noise when playing except the doggy 'laugh', the most noise he makes is to sigh, snore, or pass gas.

    Only barks one time if someone is at the door and only if they're delivering a package. Usually that's when someone is home alone or working and unable to hear the bell.
  7. Alexandrea Nwakwubei

    Alexandrea Nwakwubei Registered Users

    Sep 25, 2017
    My puppy Skye is now 5 months and has barked a handful of times, a few times at the dog statue we have and another when there was a noise on the stairs that startled me and she went for it lol. She has such a deep grown bark too, I was very surprised

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