Lauren, you are living through what we all fear. You will come through the other side of it. It is the hardest thing about having a pup, and the price we pay for loving them so dearly. We're all here for you if and whenever you want to talk. Big hugs to you and your girl.
thank you xx my other girl is 3 and im afraid she will fret if she goes, i will be with her 24/7 and will try to distract her with long walks and lots of cuddles and toys this is heartbreaking i lost my other lab when she was 12 to a tumour again its hard seeing them in pain
it is, without a doubt, the hardest part of having a dog, and it is the biggest honour, to help them and be with them when the time comes. We are all here for you xx
tmrrw we are getting a scan done either at the vets or emergency vets and going from there she is still the same is holding down water but doesnt want food and cant hold down her medicines i cant even begin to explain how difficult this is on all of us im exhausted and poor molly alot more just glad i am able to vent here i wont be sleeping again tonight thats for sure
Sorry that you're having this horrible time. If a dog loses her appetite and is in a lot of pain then this is an emergency. I know that my vet would have a dog in this state in hospital and on a drip and that getting a diagnosis would be a matter of urgency. What sorts of medication is she on exactly and what kind of scan are you having done?
we are going first thing tomorrow she was there friday and got anti biotics anti inflamitary and another one to settle her stomach but none have worked, going in morning see what happens well the vet said their was a mass in her stomach dont know what the type of scan is called but the vets/emergency vets will be able do it then we go from there really
Sounds like your vet and emergency vet are located in the same place since you are not sure who will be doing the scan tomorrow. If they are not in the same place then it might be best to find out today which one will be seeing Molly.
Just got back from vets, she's having an operation tomorrow and she has had a anti sickness injection and has a syringe with food in 50/50 chance we have the best surgeon doing the operation tomorrow they think it's the spleen they can remove but we will see have abit more hope today
Ah, that is GOOD news.... they wouldn't be planning an op unless they really believed in a chance of success. Still very hard for you, but hang in there and be positive. And if they can get some food into her system that in itself will make her feel better and stronger. Fingers and paws crossed for you both.
Good luck for tomorrow, bet it can't come quick enough for you! Will have everything crossed for her tomorrow. x