My lab eats dog poop all the time (not his own) Is a muzzle the only solution?

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by NIcole THOMPSON, May 4, 2021.

  1. NIcole THOMPSON

    NIcole THOMPSON Registered Users

    May 4, 2021
    My Lab eats dog poop all the time - so walking him off lead has become a nightmare. Is a muzzle the only solution? If so what type should I buy. He's a big boy and has a big head.
    JDW likes this.
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    It’s a tricky one.
    I am on my third dog.
    No1 didn’t eat poo but rolled in fox poo.
    No2 ate poo from the moment he was allowed outside and think he had probably been doing so in the litter. He was by far the biggest dog when we picked him up!With him it was a battle all his life and spoilt off lead walks. I don’t think I handled it well and listened to too much bad advise on how to stop him. With a muzzle he would spend most of the walk rolling on the ground trying to get it off and still tried to eat through it. Not a pleasant cleaning up task! I have seen other owners use them more successfully. Make sure it is a cage one so he can breath properly when exercising and you can reward when he leaves one.
    No3 eats poo but seems to be a lot more selective. I have been more laid back about it and use the “leave it” command and treats more successfully.
    Go back to basic training with high value treats and try to keep it positive based. Hard I know when you just want to shout at them to stop!
    At the end of the day it doesn’t usually do them any harm just doesn’t seem right to us.
  3. amelbeach

    amelbeach Registered Users

    Aug 10, 2020
    Also it's normal for dogs to want to eat poop. It doesn't always mean there are any dietary issues. Some dogs just enjoy it. Just not pleasant for humans who get a lick afterwards. So reasonable to want to stop it.


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