I am a 13y/o boy living in India. I walk my 2y/o Lab Retriever everyday in the morning and evening. He is extremely muscular and fit. He is extremely well trained and has a very docile but protective nature. However, there is a problem. The neighborhood bullies always pick on me in the evening. My Lab does his best but the bullies always beat me up everyday. My friend who has a great dane is also worried. Her dog and mine have now become very nervous and snappy. What to do?
Do you mean that you are being picked on / beaten up? If this is so, then do you have an adult you can tell -a parent or teacher for example?
I'm so sorry you're being bullied @Zarvan . I really would advise telling someone in authority. Can you & your friend find anywhere else to walk? Would it be possible to walk with an adult? Or change the time of your walk?
Today, at school, those guys showed up again. Heck, just because we were chatting, they started spreading rumors of her being my gf. She defended me rather well. There is another park in my locality where we can walk our dogs. My parents are in the Armed Forces so they are both posted far away.
Hi Zarvan and welcome to the forum! I'm so sorry you are being bullied. Bullies are cowards and losers, you know that, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with it. I have no good advice for you except what others have said - but hang in there. Going to the other park sounds like a good idea; I know it isn't fair but it might be the answer until the idiots get bored and find some other pathetic game to entertain their tiny minds. By the way, your boy is absolutely beautiful - what a lovely face he has! He looks so clever and happy. Thinking of you and your friend (and your lovely dogs). I hope things get better for you.
I am not proud of being such a cynic but linguistically there is something not syncing for me. I am also not totally comfortable.