My nearly 6 month old Lab puppy loves his bed (crate) he happily takes himself off to bed for naps during the day and will happily go to bed on command at night. he has recently decided that 4.45am is his new wake up time and will howl the house down until we get out of bed, sometimes for well over an hour! when he was previously sleeping through until 6.20 or so. We have tried to take him outside on the leash to relieve himself with no interaction and then put him back to bed. There’s nothing wrong with him and he is still tired because when we have gone to him when we wake up, he happily falls back asleep once we are awake. Any advice on getting to sleep through until at least 6am again?? Thanks
Hi Brooke, welcome to the forum! Take a look at this article Pippa wrote for our main site - I hope it helps