My latest guest star: Tibor the Border Collie (or "How I Became a Seeing-Eye Human")

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Emily_BabbelHund, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. Emily_BabbelHund

    Emily_BabbelHund Longest on the Forum without an actual dog

    Jul 31, 2016
    Regensburg, Germany (Bavaria)
    i didn't get the Simpson's reference but still thought it appropriate (and funny). It's in fact what Tibi does - I don't think he'd be offended! :D
    SwampDonkey likes this.
  2. Emily_BabbelHund

    Emily_BabbelHund Longest on the Forum without an actual dog

    Jul 31, 2016
    Regensburg, Germany (Bavaria)
    Well, I got a text at 6am this morning from the rescue person saying that Tibi's foster mom #2 has agreed to take him back on 1 September (my "deadline" for his stay with me). I don't know quite how to feel about it, as I know she finds him just as difficult as I do. When I spoke with her last Friday, she made it clear that she thought he was a great dog (as I do) but she did not want him back.

    In her text, the rescue person made reference to "a long conversation" with foster mom #2. I can only imagine how that went down. I suspect a fair amount of guilt tripping was involved.

    But of course I'm also relieved, as Tibi loves foster mom #2 and he will not have to go through the stress of getting used to yet another new home.

    For me, I think it's time for a break from the whole fostering/dog rescue thing. Unsurprisingly, even with the challenge that has been Tibi, the humans involved are still more stress-inducing than the dogs. :rolleyes:

    I will happily get my dog fix for the next couple months instead through Lab Forum meet ups. First up are the magnificent @Beanwood crew and the Esteemed Pongo. :)
    Kelsey&Axel, drjs@5, QuinnM15 and 3 others like this.
  3. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    If you are over in Cambs/Lincs/East Anglia - always a welcome from Sky and Red :).

    Well just over a week more of Tibi and I am pleased his next home is confirmed. Time to move onwards and upwards.
    Emily_BabbelHund likes this.
  4. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    I think you are right, and Tibi will be hard work wherever he goes, bless him.

    Of course, you are welcome here at the mad house and, if you end up in Bristol, I'll be able to visit with Keir when we are staying with my son.

    Emily_BabbelHund and Beanwood like this.
  5. Emily_BabbelHund

    Emily_BabbelHund Longest on the Forum without an actual dog

    Jul 31, 2016
    Regensburg, Germany (Bavaria)
    Thanks! I'll definitely be over that way at some point as I'm trying to arrange a visit with my former Spanish foster, Toby (now Alf). :)
    Granca and Atemas like this.
  6. Emily_BabbelHund

    Emily_BabbelHund Longest on the Forum without an actual dog

    Jul 31, 2016
    Regensburg, Germany (Bavaria)
    I've got two weeks reserved in Clevedon starting 16 September and will probably extend, so will definitely be in the area of Bristol. AND will be up towards your way later on for a longer stay if not for a short hop up before. Would love to see you regardless of baby Keir, Mollie and Tatze, but they are a definite bonus. :D
  7. Emily_BabbelHund

    Emily_BabbelHund Longest on the Forum without an actual dog

    Jul 31, 2016
    Regensburg, Germany (Bavaria)
    Having a manic day at work (then what am I doing on the Forum? :rolleyes: )and have only been able to get Tibi out for a walk once. Just wanted to say he is being an angel. So calm today - no fly-snapping and very little spinning. This morning I actually was worried about him as he was so quiet and I literally went over to his bed to poke at him to make sure he was still breathing.

    Who would have thought I would come to a point where him NOT spinning would bother me? o_O

    But as I've written so much negative stuff about this poor old guy, I thought I'd give him the kudos he deserves. I'm typing this, he's just gotten up, snapped at a fly, barked once and is gently spinning. Good to know he's feeling himself again. :D
    momofone, Kelsey&Axel, Granca and 3 others like this.
  8. Lara

    Lara Registered Users

    Oct 24, 2016
    My parents live in Clevedon! If you see a very small little old man or woman walking a giant Great Dane x Boxer, that'll be them :) if they are flat on their faces being dragged along by him please pick them up :pull:
  9. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Gosh Emily I have been away on holidays and have missed all this. I am so sorry poor Tibor has put you through the wringer. You have been marvellous with him despite your own health issues and persevered in spite of so much discouragement. :star:

    I hope Foster #2 will be able to manage. He does sound a handful. I am quite speechless at how your "friend" has treated you. I'm glad you are going to the UK and getting out of Dodge, so to speak. :run:

    Probably a good idea to give fostering a break and focus on puppies!! Don't feel bad about "failing" with Tibor...I'd say he and you both learned from each other....
    Emily_BabbelHund and Cath like this.
  10. Emily_BabbelHund

    Emily_BabbelHund Longest on the Forum without an actual dog

    Jul 31, 2016
    Regensburg, Germany (Bavaria)
    Hey, small world! I hope I don't find them flat on their faces for obvious reasons. If they need a very temporary dog walker, tell them I'm there. :)
    Lara likes this.
  11. Emily_BabbelHund

    Emily_BabbelHund Longest on the Forum without an actual dog

    Jul 31, 2016
    Regensburg, Germany (Bavaria)
    You and me both. I have a huge amount of respect for her that she's agreed to take him back, and I hope it was because she truly had a change of heart and not that she was strong-armed by the rescue group. It's absolutely the best solution for Tibi, I just hope it's OK for foster mom #2 as well.

    Me too! I've got to be honest, right now I'm just fantasizing of driving out of Germany, getting to meet some of the great people on the Forum (and their dogs of course) and BEING ABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH FOR TWO MONTHS. Swoon.

    But I hope my whole admittedly vague plan of "going to visit breeders" also comes together. It is the reason for the trip and right now the most unplanned part of it. It's rather embarrassing! :confused:

    Tibi and I are doing so much better since I had my break from him last weekend. Or maybe because I know now that he's going back to foster mom #2 on next Friday so I don't feel so trapped. But for whatever reason, he continues to do the same behaviours (spinning, weeing, fly-biting, etc.) but they aren't irritating me nearly as much. I think @Boogie 's idea that he may have dementia really helped me, too, as I started to really see him more as a doddery little old man and less as dog that I was going to ambitiously teach so many things to.

    In that sense, I do feel like I've learned a lot from this experience - probably most of all is that I need to change my expectations based on new information coming in and not just repeatedly bash my head against a brick wall because I want to stick to "The Plan". I have a feeling that will come in handy to remember with my own puppy. ;)
    Granca, Rosie, drjs@5 and 1 other person like this.
  12. Emily_BabbelHund

    Emily_BabbelHund Longest on the Forum without an actual dog

    Jul 31, 2016
    Regensburg, Germany (Bavaria)
    Tibi and I just spent 30 minutes dancing around my apartment to Despacito, El Mismo Sol and something by Pink. He spins one way, I spin the other. He's learned to do a weave (not the hair kind of weave) and smiles like only a BC can throughout.

    I think I've found his superpower. :monkey::tail:

    I also think I need to stop working on the weekends and get out more. :wasntme:
  13. Emily_BabbelHund

    Emily_BabbelHund Longest on the Forum without an actual dog

    Jul 31, 2016
    Regensburg, Germany (Bavaria)
    Tibi only has a couple days more with me. I've even been getting a little weepy at the thought of having to say goodbye to him, while at the same time knowing it will also be a big weight off my shoulders. Not to mention the whole "driving to the UK and can't take the dog with me" thing.

    As I posted last week, the head of the rescue texted me last week to let me know that Tibi's foster mom #2 was going to take him back. I had mixed feelings about this - thrilled that Tibi would again be with someone he clearly loves, but concerned for foster mom #2 who finds Tibi as challenging and exhausting as I do.

    Well...the story continues.

    In her text, the head of rescue said that foster mom #2 would take Tibi tomorrow, Thursday. So this morning I texted mom #2 and said I was surprised but grateful that she'd agreed to take Tibi and that I could be flexible on the handover. I could take him to meet her anytime tomorrow through Sunday afternoon in fact. When would she like to meet?

    The text I get back is precisely this: "????"

    Yep, that's right. She has no idea what I'm talking about. She didn't agree to take Tibi back.

    My reaction:




    She's at work now so couldn't talk, so we're going to have a heart to heart this evening. I hope we can work something out.

    Can you see why I now refer to "the head of the rescue" in those terms instead of "my friend who has the rescue group"? :mad:
  14. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Well Emily I don't know what to say to you. I don't know why the head of the rescue is playing about with all you. :facepalm:
  15. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    That's unbelievable! :eek:
  16. leejane

    leejane Mum to the Mooster

    Dec 19, 2014
    Nuneaton, North Warwickshire
    Sausaging sausages!

    That's outrageous. I could see up to a point that she was your friend before and you were trying to cut her some slack, but really, how disrespectful to you both!
  17. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    Some people are just vile. She loves power doesn't she. Is she some sort of psychopath? She loves games and using people emotions against them etc? Walk away no run she's trouble :run:
    Xena Dog Princess and Cath like this.
  18. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    You are so right SwampDonkey :mad:
  19. 20180815

    20180815 Guest

    Oh wow she's a piece of work! I'm sure she justifies it all in her head as being "for the good of the dogs" /smh
  20. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    What a good thing you got in touch directly!


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